Hello all, Hoping someone can help me out with a nudge in the right direction. Long time user of sabnzbd. Never problems until about a month ago (I think, as did notice right away). Issue: for movies -sample files are no longer deleted. then Radarr imports the sample file instead of full movie and d...
Hi Binhex, I have not been active following the forum but have continued to use moviegrabber as it is my favorite movie down loader. I am running B7 on unRaid, and noticed I have fallen behind in releases. The download page does not have an unRaid version to DL and searching back a few pages i don't...
hi pilgrim, i can see what the issue is but not sure what has caused it, basically your missing the following from the config.ini:- history_sort_order = desc,postdatesort so im assuming your config.ini entry is either completely missing or the value for history_sort_order is blank?, can you pm me y...
I just did a clean install and then copied in my old config file. I looked through all the options to make sure they looked right and also checked that I could navigate to all MovieGrabber menus. All looked good but when I run, I get the following error in my log: 2014-01-18 18:57:26,111 ERROR searc...
hi pilgrim, i can see what the issue is but not sure what has caused it, basically your missing the following from the config.ini:- history_sort_order = desc,postdatesort so im assuming your config.ini entry is either completely missing or the value for history_sort_order is blank?, can you pm me y...
Is this on windows or another platform? I need the exact error message your getting. Binhex Windows 7 Home Premium Error is: 500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. Traceback (most recent call last): File "cherryp...
Beta 6 is now uploaded, sorry for the delay guys. Hi Binex, Many thanks for the new version. I was setting up for a friend and noticed. I did a clean install and movies are being sent to SABnzbd but each time I try to look at the history tab I get an error. He took the computer and I told him I wou...
Hi Binhex, Just today I realized a new version was posted. I got B5 up and running but am also playing around with the uRaid version. Unraid moviegrabber is installed and running but what is the correct syntax for folder locations? the server name is tower and main user for shares is media, so, //to...
just out of curiosity what are the issues you are seeing with CP, and if moviegrabber was to fulfill everything CP does for you right now, what additional features would be required for you to be able to shutdown CP?. Hi Binhex, I thought I would jump in to add to the what would make MovieGrabber p...
Hi pilgrim unc support is not great in python tbh but I will take a look at this and see if there is anything I can do. I can tell your running unraid and I'm currently writing a unraid plugin for MovieGrabber so this might be a better alternative as this will mean no need to use unc paths Yes, run...
hi Binhex, New version seems to be working great after I did the clear browser cache trick. However, post processing rules to rename and move files still does not work properly for me. I have the same setup on a different computer and it works there, the only difference is on my computer the storage...
Hi Binhex, A great future enhancement might be to have a setting for language. Seems like postings for non-English movies are growing on newzap servers which is a good thing, but I would like to only download a non-English movie if the rating is very high. Maybe if MG could use following logic: - if...
Binhex and I have traded some messages around the problem I am having with the new version, I would like to see if anyone else is having issues. Basically I have installed a clean version and history and queue is filling up. Anytime I click on the SAB icon or use the check box and then release the ...
Binhex and I have traded some messages around the problem I am having with the new version, I would like to see if anyone else is having issues. Basically I have installed a clean version and history and queue is filling up. Anytime I click on the SAB icon or use the check box and then release the q...