I am a newbie on post processing scripts. I hope some can help me out. I would like to ftp the downloaded files to the XBOX XBMC. I have a 500GB HDD in my XBOX and streaming is not an option for me. So I would like to start downloads from my XBMC (that one already works) and then after the download I would like to ftp the files to the XBOX. The machine downloading is a windows based machine, so I guess the script has to be a dos script.
If someone could help me get started with this, I would appreciate it.
Thanks, momoski
[REQ] Script to ftp downloaded files to XBMC (XBOX)
Re: [REQ] Script to ftp downloaded files to XBMC (XBOX)
Why not map your xbox as a network drive, then simply set and xbox category in SAB to move the downloaded files to the drive