Keeps On Stopping On Synology

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Joined: September 29th, 2010, 5:17 am

Keeps On Stopping On Synology

Post by Vodka2 »


I am running v0.7.20.14 on my Synology and SAB keeps on stopping for some odd reason. There is nothing in the logs at all stating as to why.

Running DSM 5.2-5592 Update 4

Anyone have any ideas.

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Re: Keeps On Stopping On Synology

Post by safihre »

Can you post some of the logs here? Specifically the parts where it shuts down and restarts?
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Re: Keeps On Stopping On Synology

Post by Vodka2 »

That is the thing i do not see any logs stating there is an issue or shutting down. the only logs i see is when i start it again. this seems to only be on this new verion as the old one never did this.
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Re: Keeps On Stopping On Synology

Post by druftiacto »

Your reasoning skills are decidedly weak. Do you drink too much... erm... vodka, perhaps? The assumption you make is based on a logical fallacy, named 'post hoc ergo propter hoc'. You can find more information in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy on

On a more serious note, it's impossible to help you without relevant logging. The fact that you aren't able to deliver logs, probably means that there are other factors at work. Perhaps insufficient memory? This has happened to me before with both a WD My Book and my Synology Disk Station. The OS will then kill certain processes for you, but this will almost certainly be written to the SYSTEM logs, so please refer to those! This is just a suggestion.

look for these messages:
process (7777) killed by TERM signal, where 7777 could be any other process ID.
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