Sabnzbd 1.0.0 not working as expected

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Sabnzbd 1.0.0 not working as expected

Post by jouster »

Hi all....

firstly, many thanks for such an amazing program....its been working well for years and I wouldn't think of using anything else.

Today I noticed the update was available and I jumped in and downloaded.

FYI, Windows 10, Firefox browser

Upon installation, I got a message telling me that I couldn't have two installations and that it would uninstall the former (not a problem) and that it would leave all of my settings intact.

First off, it didn't all settings seemed to be gone, not a huge issue as I just put the correct settings back in.

My existing queue also disappeared, again an issue but didn't think that would be the case.

Finally, when using Sonarr to pull in TV shows, it works fine and send s the NZB to the queue, but if I try to start an NZB manually via my browser, I always got a traceback error. Checked all of my settings and couldn't find an issue as they were all as with the previous build. Got a bit bored of the issue as I couldn't resolve so I installed the previous build and all working as expected again without hitch.

It would be nice to upgrade sometime soon but wonder if there are any issues that need resolving first. SabNZBD is doing everything I need it to at the moment but it would be nice to have the latest one up and running

Thanks again and keep up the great work
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Re: Sabnzbd 1.0.0 not working as expected

Post by safihre »

Do you maybe have a log of what traceback you got?
It seems to sound like a permissions error so sabnzbd couldn't update correctly and now is maybe throwing you errors.
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