Abort Download After X Missing Articles

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Abort Download After X Missing Articles

Post by brando56894 »

Is there a way to abort a download after a user defined amount of missing articles or when a download falls to a minimum speed? I've found that downloads seem to gum up my queue when they're below the hardset missing limt (no idea what that is) but still able to download. For example, I have a 17 MB/sec pipe and a file is downloading that is missing a good amount of articles (4000+ and counting) yet, it still continued to download....at ~1 MB/sec. This file was around 8 GB so if I would have let it continue who knows when it would have finally died off, it was already going for a good 5-10 minutes. I have about 600 items in my queue, so if multiple items keep doing this it can add hours to my completion time.
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Re: Abort Download After X Missing Articles

Post by safihre »

Did you enable the feature 'Abort if cannot be completed' in the Switches page?
This will Abort when the amount of par2 files is lower than the amount of missing articles.
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Re: Abort Download After X Missing Articles

Post by brando56894 »

Yea, it eventually dies off, but it seems to take far longer than I'd like.
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Re: Abort Download After X Missing Articles

Post by safihre »

in the case of a 60Gb file, the uploader might have added 10% Par2, so only after 10% missing articles it will stop.
Using the number of articles is not feasible because the size of articles varies a lot, some uploaders us 32KB while other us 320KB completely independent of the size of the whole post, so setting a hard limit makes no sense unfortunately.

You can set in Config > Specials the req_completion_rate, default is that at least 100.2% of files should be available before it gets aborted. You could try for example 105 to see if it aborts earlier.
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Re: Abort Download After X Missing Articles

Post by brando56894 »

Thanks for the info.
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