Do you experience problems during downloading?
Check your connection in Status and Interface settings window.
Use Test Server in Config > Servers.
We will probably ask you to do a test using only basic settings.
Do you experience problems during repair or unpacking?
Enable +Debug logging in the Status and Interface settings window and share the relevant parts of the log here using [ code ] sections.
i have had about 4 cases this week where articles just stop downloading - no warning messages, just a complete stop of downloads and disconnection from all servers.
Enabling debug, there is a few lines that reports :
Can you try sabnzbd 2.0.0? There seems to be an unidentified problem where the decoder crashes due to some CRC errors. We don't know yet what is causing it.
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safihre wrote:Can you try sabnzbd 2.0.0? There seems to be an unidentified problem where the decoder crashes due to some CRC errors. We don't know yet what is causing it.
ok upgraded successfully to 2.0.0 alpha. wil monitor over next few days, and report back if issue occurs again