unrar binary... NOT found

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unrar binary... NOT found

Post by Chris_P_Bacon »

So I don't know when this started happening but I'm constantly getting this message Image

After my stuff downloads just sits there. SABnzbd says "Unpacked 0 files/folders in 0 seconds" and on Sonarr the downloads just sit there. If I go into the completed folder and manually extract the .rar file then the file gets moved into my plex folder.

So I can see what's wrong but not sure how to fix it?

I moved my complete and incomplete folders from an external drive to the internal hdd, rebooted and that didn't fix the issue.
I moved all the .exe files of par2, unrar, 7zip etc..to the startup folder rebooted and that didn't fix the issue.

Okay..Hmmmm...OKAY, weird...As I was typing this out I was checking a file location to confirm my steps and noticed that in the C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\win\unrar\x64 there was no UnRAR.exe? Weird right? why would it be missing?? So I copied the .exe from the unrar folder and rebooted SABnzbd and now no message!

I just need to test by doing a download but not sure why that would go missing or never be there? Any ideas on why the UnRAR exe was missing?
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Re: unrar binary... NOT found

Post by Chris_P_Bacon »

Okay just a quick update. I had something download and everything ran fine. SO I guess the fix WAS because the UnRAR exe was not in the x64 folder. Not sure why it ever got deleted or not there? maybe something on the installer for the upgrade?

If anyone has any ideas on what happened that would be great, hopefully, this post will help some other poor soul in the future.
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Re: unrar binary... NOT found

Post by safihre »

Sounds like a virusscanner being over active.
For example if you happen to have downloaded a job with a virus and the virusscanner detected that while it was unpacking, it might have marked unrar as a virus too.
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Re: unrar binary... NOT found

Post by Chris_P_Bacon »

Okay that makes sense I do have Kaspersky running. Maybe I'll comb through the Kaspersky logs to see if I can pinpoint where/when it happened. I'm hoping it's an isolated incident. TBH I'd rather Kaspersky accidentally delete unrar as long as it gets rid of a sketchy download.

Thanks for your response Safihre
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Re: unrar binary... NOT found

Post by jaysel »

I have a very similar issue. I get the error ' unrar binary... NOT found'
The logs show the following:

2017-08-29 16:26:11,930::INFO::[SABnzbd:432] MultiPar binary... found (C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\win\par2\multipar\par2j64.exe)
2017-08-29 16:26:11,930::ERROR::[SABnzbd:445] unrar binary... NOT found
2017-08-29 16:26:11,930::INFO::[SABnzbd:448] unzip binary... found (C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\win\unzip\unzip.exe)

Yet, I DO have the unrar.exe in the below location:

C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\win\unrar\UnRAR.exe

This has only been occurring since the recent update 2.2.0
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Re: unrar binary... NOT found

Post by jaysel »

Just seen a new update that has a fix for some RAR issues (2.2.1)....I wonder if this is the issue.
I shall see if it helps!
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Re: unrar binary... NOT found

Post by safihre »

This is most likely due to your virusscanner removing it. In particular Avast and Malware bytes think it's evil because it does a lot of disk activity when unpacking things.
Advice for everyone having this problem: reinstall sabnzbd using the installer!
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Re: unrar binary... NOT found

Post by jaysel »

Bah.....its happened again with this update too
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Re: unrar binary... NOT found

Post by jaysel »

....and no, it has not been removed by a virussscaner. I will reinstall from scratch again :(
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Re: unrar binary... NOT found

Post by jaysel »

It would seem that I do not have permissions to even delete UnRar.exe, so therefore it cannot install the new verison. IN fact, I do not even have read permissions to view the properties of the file - even as Admin
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Re: unrar binary... NOT found

Post by safihre »

That's unfortunate. But it must be something else on your system, since we have already thousands of installs and if the installer was broken, the forum would be flooded with messages..
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Re: unrar binary... NOT found

Post by jaysel »

A simple reboot resolved this issue.....I still don't know the cause.
But happy now :)
Yes, the issue must be my end, otherwise their would be a flame war going on here ;)
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