First is when you use the Download button from within a feed, it no longer sends the priority you have set in that feed, at least if you have default set.
Second is with items dropped in the watch folder, they no longer receive default priority, so if like me you run pre-queue script for category sorting, priorities you have set in categories are ignored.
It's not a big issue for me, I just added a line to my pre-queue script to set default priority if none exists, which solves the problem.
You can see when the pre-queue runs there's no priority set with 2.3.1 in both instances
Code: Select all
RSS Download Button Version 0.7.20
2017-11-08 13:35:15,405::INFO::[urlgrabber:116] Grabbing URL https://
2017-11-08 13:35:18,464::INFO::[newsunpack:1561] Running pre-queue script C:\Users\DrWho\AppData\Local\sabnzbd\POSTPR~1\CATAGO~1.BAT Film.Title.2017.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE "" movies "" -100 3999260894 "alt.binaries.moovee" "" "" "" ""
RSS Download Button Version 2.3.1
2017-11-08 13:49:49,210::INFO::[urlgrabber:115] Grabbing URL https://
2017-11-08 13:49:53,467::INFO::[newsunpack:2270] Running pre-queue script C:\Users\DrWho\AppData\Local\sabnzbd\POSTPR~1\CATAGO~2.BAT Film.Title.2017.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE "" movies "" "" 3999260894 "alt.binaries.moovee" "" "" "" ""
Watch Folder Version 0.7.20
2017-11-08 13:28:57,999::INFO::[dirscanner:325] Trying to import X:\SABnzbd\Watch Folder\Film.Title.2017.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE.nzb.gz
2017-11-08 13:29:01,542::INFO::[newsunpack:1561] Running pre-queue script C:\Users\DrWho\AppData\Local\sabnzbd\POSTPR~1\CATAGO~1.BAT Film.Title.2017.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE "" "" "" -100 3999260894 "alt.binaries.moovee" "" "" "" ""
Watch Folder Version 2.3.1
2017-11-08 13:54:04,999::INFO::[dirscanner:378] Trying to import X:\SABnzbd\Watch Folder\Film.Title.2017.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE.nzb.gz
2017-11-08 13:54:08,049::INFO::[newsunpack:2270] Running pre-queue script C:\Users\DrWho\AppData\Local\sabnzbd\POSTPR~1\CATAGO~2.BAT Film.Title.2017.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE "" "" "" "" 3999260894 "alt.binaries.moovee" "" "" "" ""