Would it be possible to have the RSS feeds go to the top of the queue, ie a checkbox that makes the feed "priority 1". The reasoning is that RSS is often TV and you would want those downloaded sooner than other larger downloads so you can watch the show as soon as it comes up on the RSS.
RSS feeds to top of queue.
Re: RSS feeds to top of queue.
0.5 will have priorities which shall allow you to have RSS items go to the top of the queue, or even download while the queue is paused.
Re: RSS feeds to top of queue.
sounds great! I can't wait for .5!
Re: RSS feeds to top of queue.
Any chance to include api added items? I use episode buttler, which adds new episodes as released. However, it adds the new shows to the end of the queue, and if there is a long queue these can take a while to be dled.
Re: RSS feeds to top of queue.
The api has been extended.
Re: RSS feeds to top of queue.
Have the docs also been updated? Couldn't find any reference in the wiki to this.
Have the docs also been updated? Couldn't find any reference in the wiki to this.
Re: RSS feeds to top of queue.
We're working on a parallel Wiki, since the support pages fro 0.4.x and 0.5.0 are different.