AutoStart - 3.0.0-develop [Ubuntu]

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AutoStart - 3.0.0-develop [Ubuntu]

Post by Quagwa »

I have recently installed 3.0.0-develop and wasn't able to get it to autostart when rebooting the server. I am using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server with no GUI. I have found instructions for older versions of sabnzbd. Are there some instructions for this?

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Re: AutoStart - 3.0.0-develop

Post by sander »

"I have found instructions for older versions of sabnzbd." ... where?
Can you describe what happened when you tried that?

Reason: I expect it to work in the same way on ubuntu 20.04 and older versions.
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Re: AutoStart - 3.0.0-develop [Ubuntu]

Post by Quagwa »

I haven't tried any of the instructions I have found because they are for older versions of sabnzbd. I am using sabnzbd 3.0.0 that uses python 3. Not that the version of python makes a difference. Since I am using Ubuntu 20.04 command line and python 3 and sabnzbd 3.0.0 I thought I would check the forums first before hacking away.
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Re: AutoStart - 3.0.0-develop [Ubuntu]

Post by safihre »
And indeed, it should work just the same.
The PPA can do this for you, it has SABnzbd 3.0.0.
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Re: AutoStart - 3.0.0-develop [Ubuntu]

Post by Quagwa »

Since we are talking about auto starting version 3.x.x beta version of sabnzbd, it isn't the same procedure for setting up autostart as previous versions (2.x.x). It was never about the OS linux version I was using, my description of the original issue may have eluded to it being an OS question. I did a little more research and found a service file located in the installation directory: sabnzbd/linux/[email protected]

"sudo nano" to that file, and there are instructions that will help you configure auto start for sabnzbd. I was finally able to get sabnzbd to autoload if my server reboots now.

It took all of about 10 minutes once I found the file and understood what configuration was needed in the file. ;D ;D ;D

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Re: AutoStart - 3.0.0-develop [Ubuntu]

Post by safihre »

Nice! :)
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