@safihre please feel free to delete/move this post if this isn't the right spot for it.
You basically just have to connect to my repository (Nuxref);
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# Visit http://nuxref.com/nuxref-repository/ for the latest instructions
# but otherwise...:
# CentOS/Redhat/OracleLinux v8.0 Users:
sudo rpm -Uhi http://repo.nuxref.com/centos/8/en/x86_64/custom/nuxref-release-1.0.0-5.el8.nuxref.noarch.rpm
# Fedora Users:
sudo rpm -Uhi http://repo.nuxref.com/fedora/fc32/en/x86_64/custom/nuxref-release-1.0.0-5.fc$VER.nuxref.noarch.rpm
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# EPEL Hookup
sudo dnf install -y epel-release
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# sabnzbd
sudo dnf install -y sabnzbd
# I've only packaged one script so far:
sudo dnf install -y sabnzbd-script-notify
# Once installed, the plugins will just show up in you SABnzbd settings - it's that easy
If you want me to add more extensions built as RPMs, just let me know. Please keep in mind they must work in Python v3.