will create folders with invalid file name [Windows, trailing dot]

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will create folders with invalid file name [Windows, trailing dot]

Post by quidnunc »

I don't know if this is a bug per se but it's undesired behavior (in windows at least). If the job name has for example a trailing period character with job folders enabled then sabnzbd will create a folder with the trailing period which is an invalid filename ("cannot find path because it does not exist") that I couldn't delete without using a third party software like "delete invalid file"

The unpack folder didn't have the trailing period - only the final folder which is created but the extracted file stays in the unpack folder because the final folder is inaccessible
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Re: will create folders with invalid file name [Windows, trailing dot]

Post by safihre »

It is fixed in 3.1.0 :) You can try the test-release from our Downloads page.
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Re: will create folders with invalid file name [Windows, trailing dot]

Post by quidnunc »

Thanks. I didnt realize you meant rc2? because it wasnt available at the time. It occured just now on rc1 which I've updated to rc2

Anyhow, to delete the invalid folders sab created the instruction I found is, for example: rd /s "\\?\C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\Annoying Folder."
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