Warning about API key missing

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Warning about API key missing

Post by EnnZeeBee »

After recent updates to SABnzbd I get a series of messages upon starting the program stating "WARNING a minute ago API key missing, please enter the API key from Config->General into your 3rd party program: [Sonarr/ (windows 10.0.22000.0)]" The time "a minute ago" changes as the messages are repeated.

I don't know where this API key should be entered in Sonarr. It may be relevant or not, but one of my indexers in Sonarr is NZBHydra2.

I run SABnzbd 3.5.0 on Windows 11.
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Re: Warning about API key missing

Post by sander »

I don't know where this API key should be entered in Sonarr
It's in the Sonarr documentation: https://wiki.servarr.com/sonarr/setting ... ad-clients
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Re: Warning about API key missing

Post by EnnZeeBee »

Thank you for pointing me in that direction. I read the documentation, but I'm still confused because everything has worked with no problem until very recently.

I have the SABnzbd API in Sonarr's download clients. Test is OK
I also have SABnzbd's API in NZBHydra2's Config --> Downloading --> Downloaders. No error reported by NZBHydra2
I have NZBHydra2 as an indexer in Sonarr. Test is OK

The only thing that I notice is in Sonarr's download clients for SABnzbd there is a field "URL base" which I have left blank. The description for it is "Adds a prefix to the Sabnzbd url, e.g. http://[host]:[port]/[urlBase]/api". As I wrote above Sonarr tests it as OK even though it's blank.

Despite all the above, I get the warning message in SABnzbd.

EDIT: further testing leads me to believe that the problem occurs when Sonarr starts or when I go to the download client SABnzdb settings and I test and save it.
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Re: Warning about API key missing

Post by BooBooKittyFuk »

I just got an API warning:

"API key missing, please enter the API key from Config->General into your 3rd party program: ::ffff: [Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SAMSUNG SM-G570Y Build/MMB29K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/4.0 Chrome/44.0.2403.133 Mobile Safari/537.36]"

This concerns me as I don't have a SAMSUNG SM-G570Y (Galaxy J5 Prime) so ni idea where this access attempt has come from.
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Re: Warning about API key missing

Post by sander » is a private address, so from your LAN. Agree?

What is the IP of your SAB system?
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Re: Warning about API key missing

Post by BooBooKittyFuk »

Correct, that IP is not part of my network, all of my IPs are 192.168.... etc
I am semi rural, so only one house close enough to have anyone detect my wifi, and even if I had an open network, they are so old I doubt they are capable of joining it, let alone of trying to access SAB.
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