Delete nzb in RSS if duplicate?

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Delete nzb in RSS if duplicate?

Post by westsidesuburbanite »

I'm using Sab with nzbgeek. I have a ton of stuff in my cart, but it seems sab is stuck because there's duplicates. In the log it shows up as "ignoring duplicate" but then the files stay in the cart and it stopped adding files. So it seems it's not deleting them from the cart if they're dupes, and it's reading like 100 or whatever at a time so it's now reached 100 that are dupes so it reads 100, determines they are all dupes, and then stops. Since it's not deleting the dupes and it's only reading 100 at a time it's effectively doing nothing. Do I have to manually go in to nzbgeek and delete those entries, or can I set sab to delete dupes from the rss feed?
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Re: Delete nzb in RSS if duplicate?

Post by safihre »

You can set SABnzbd to fail duplicates to history instead of Discard. This way they are still fetched and removed from your cart.
The 100 item limit is not from within SABnzbd, it's how many the RSS feed is configured to provide. Sabnzbd has no limit on number of entries.
Maybe you could also increase the maximum.
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Re: Delete nzb in RSS if duplicate?

Post by westsidesuburbanite »

thank you so much! this worked perfect!
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