Sorry, it wouldn't let me poste the error because I'm a newb.
When Windows wakes up from sleep with Sabnzbd running as an app I am seeing the following error appear in the console:
2022-10-29 09:05:02,328::INFO::[filesystem:703] Creating directories: n:\Downloads
2022-10-29 09:05:02,344::INFO::[notifier:123] Sending notification: Error - Failed making (n: \ Downloads) (type=error, job_cat=None)
2022-10-29 09:05:02,342::ERROR::[filesystem:725] Failed making (n: \ Downloads)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File sabnzbd \ filesystem . py, line 708, in create_all_dirs
File os . py , line 215, in makedirs
File os . py , line 225, in makedirs
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 53] The network path was not found:
I presumed this was because Windows had not restored the connection to the drive before sab was trying to create a directory on the drive? This only happens on waking from sleep. If I restart sab (with the machine running obviously) the error doesn't occur.