SABnzb start niet op WinError 5

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SABnzb start niet op WinError 5

Post by wajang »


Mijn SABnzb start niet meer op. Verwijderen en opnieuw installeren heeft een paar keer geholpen maar nu niet meer.

Weet iemand de oorzaak?
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Re: SABnzb start niet op WinError 5

Post by sander »

I have no Windows, but I think:

Essential errors message: read_windows_registry , WinError 5

My guesses:
* no correct rights to do something with the Windows Registry. So: under which account are you running SAB
* problem with WIndows Registry itself. Corrupt?

FWIW / probably not helpful for you:

Error is from cherrypy/lib/ line 22, which is (line 21 and 22):

Code: Select all

    if not mimetypes.inited:
That last line is causing the error. I would say that "mimetypes.init()" is quite harmless, so if the causes an error, that's quite bad from your Windows.
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Joined: April 6th, 2023, 3:45 am

Re: SABnzb start niet op WinError 5

Post by wajang »


I'm afraid my Windows won't work properly anymore, register is giving problems.
I'm going to reinstall everything.
Thanks for your reply.
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