*Fixed* - SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

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*Fixed* - SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Post by mental »

Working again on 3.72.


Version: 3.7.2 [fab36ec]
Uptime: 0m
Config File: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\sabnzbd\sabnzbd.ini
Parameters: "C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\SABnzbd.exe"
Python Version: 3.8.10 (tags/v3.8.10:3d8993a, May 3 2021, 11:34:34) [MSC v.1928 32 bit (Intel)] [cp1252]
OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1k 25 Mar 2021

This is from the logs but the weird thing is , I see no erros? From the startup of version 4

2023-04-30 10:39:57,928::INFO::[SABnzbd:1168] --------------------------------
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1169] SABnzbd.exe-4.0.0
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1179] Commit = 5e42e25617150256dee23c08fa6f78e2502e46f7
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1181] Full executable path = C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\SABnzbd.exe
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1182] Arguments = "C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\SABnzbd.exe"
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1183] Python-version = 3.8.10 (tags/v3.8.10:3d8993a, May 3 2021, 11:34:34) [MSC v.1928 32 bit (Intel)]
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1184] Dockerized = False
2023-04-30 10:39:57,959::INFO::[SABnzbd:1185] CPU architecture = AMD64
2023-04-30 10:39:58,006::INFO::[SABnzbd:1188] Platform = nt - Windows-2008ServerR2-6.1.7601-SP1
2023-04-30 10:39:58,006::INFO::[SABnzbd:1194] Preferred encoding = cp1252
2023-04-30 10:39:58,006::INFO::[SABnzbd:1216] SSL version = OpenSSL 1.1.1k 25 Mar 2021
2023-04-30 10:39:58,006::INFO::[SABnzbd:1225] Certifi version = 2022.12.07
2023-04-30 10:39:58,006::INFO::[SABnzbd:1226] Loaded additional certificates from C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\certifi\cacert.pem
2023-04-30 10:39:58,006::INFO::[SABnzbd:1247] Using INI file \\?\C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\sabnzbd\sabnzbd.ini
2023-04-30 10:39:58,162::INFO::[postproc:134] Loading postproc queue
2023-04-30 10:39:58,224::INFO::[scheduler:190] Scheduling RSS interval task every 60 min (delay=47)
2023-04-30 10:39:58,224::INFO::[scheduler:201] Scheduling VersionCheck on day 1 at 20:34
2023-04-30 10:39:58,224::INFO::[scheduler:215] Setting schedule for midnight BPS reset
2023-04-30 10:39:58,224::INFO::[scheduler:218] Setting schedule for server expiration check
2023-04-30 10:39:58,224::INFO::[scheduler:223] Setting schedule for server quota check
2023-04-30 10:39:58,271::INFO::[__init__:329] All processes started
2023-04-30 10:39:58,302::INFO::[SABnzbd:338] Template location for Glitter is \\?\C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\interfaces\Glitter
2023-04-30 10:39:58,318::INFO::[SABnzbd:338] Template location for Config is \\?\C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\interfaces\Config
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:423] SABCTools module (v7.0.1)... found!
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:424] SABCTools module is using SIMD set: SSE2
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:425] SABCTools module is linked to OpenSSL: True
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:444] Cryptography module (v40.0.2)... found!
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:447] MultiPar binary... found (C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\win\multipar\par2j64.exe)
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:456] UNRAR binary... found (C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\win\unrar\x64\UnRAR.exe)
2023-04-30 10:39:58,427::INFO::[SABnzbd:472] 7za binary... found (C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\win\7zip\7za.exe)
2023-04-30 10:39:58,552::INFO::[SABnzbd:1304] HTTPS keys are OK
2023-04-30 10:39:58,552::INFO::[SABnzbd:1436] Starting web-interface on
2023-04-30 10:39:58,552::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [30/Apr/2023:10:39:58] ENGINE Bus STARTING
2023-04-30 10:39:58,817::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [30/Apr/2023:10:39:58] ENGINE Serving on
2023-04-30 10:39:59,316::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [30/Apr/2023:10:39:59] ENGINE Serving on
2023-04-30 10:39:59,316::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [30/Apr/2023:10:39:59] ENGINE Bus STARTED
2023-04-30 10:39:59,316::INFO::[SABnzbd:1481] Starting SABnzbd.exe-4.0.0
2023-04-30 10:39:59,316::INFO::[dirscanner:111] Dirscanner starting up
2023-04-30 10:39:59,316::INFO::[notifier:123] Sending notification: SABnzbd - SABnzbd 4.0.0 started (type=startup, job_cat=None)
2023-04-30 10:39:59,394::INFO::[database:558] Scheduled history purge

The next lines start a download by checking for my newsserver ip and then spins up the multiple connections. The entries are in the below format, I have obfuscated news server name and IP but you get the gist.

2023-04-30 10:40:00,892::INFO::[downloader:665] 1@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,313::INFO::[happyeyeballs:97] Quickest IP address for *.*.* (port 563, preferipv6 False) is x.x.x.x
2023-04-30 10:40:01,375::INFO::[downloader:665] 2@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,375::INFO::[downloader:665] 3@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,391::INFO::[downloader:665] 4@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,391::INFO::[downloader:665] 5@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,391::INFO::[downloader:665] 6@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,391::INFO::[downloader:665] 7@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,391::INFO::[downloader:665] 8@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,391::INFO::[downloader:665] 9@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,406::INFO::[downloader:665] 10@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,406::INFO::[downloader:665] 11@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,406::INFO::[downloader:665] 12@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,406::INFO::[downloader:665] 13@*.*.*: Initiating connection
2023-04-30 10:40:01,406::INFO::[downloader:665] 14@*.*.*: Initiating connection


2023-04-30 10:40:01,843::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 3@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,859::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 4@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,859::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 5@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,859::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 1@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,859::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 2@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,874::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 6@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,874::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 7@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,874::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 8@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,874::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 9@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,890::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 10@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,890::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 11@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,890::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 12@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:40:01,890::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 15@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)

and then it just ends like this and the next entry is the restart of the downgrade. Previous would be the restart of the v4.

2023-04-30 10:40:02,030::INFO::[newswrapper:348] 42@*.*.*: Connected using TLSv1.3 (TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
2023-04-30 10:44:14,686::INFO::[SABnzbd:1167] --------------------------------
2023-04-30 10:44:14,718::INFO::[SABnzbd:1168] SABnzbd.exe-3.7.2
2023-04-30 10:44:14,718::INFO::[SABnzbd:1178] Commit = fab36ec008e7716eb243f12eae2ea13e0d19c623
2023-04-30 10:44:14,718::INFO::[SABnzbd:1180] Full executable path = C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\SABnzbd.exe
2023-04-30 10:44:14,718::INFO::[SABnzbd:1181] Arguments = "C:\Program Files\SABnzbd\SABnzbd.exe"
Last edited by mental on May 7th, 2023, 11:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows ... not downloading

Post by sander »

As this is on Windows, the python version is automatically correct. Furthermore SAB is running (and reachable, right), so different problem & subject.
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows ... not downloading

Post by sander »

Which Windows is this? The python version is 32-bit?

Which install of SABnzbd? The 32-bit aka "Windows Portable (32bit and legacy)"?
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows ... not downloading

Post by mental »

sander wrote: April 30th, 2023, 5:29 am Which Windows is this? The python version is 32-bit?

Which install of SABnzbd? The 32-bit aka "Windows Portable (32bit and legacy)"?
Correct. This running on a old windows home server os. The instance runs fine in "standby" , it only crashes once you initiate a download and based on the logs, I think its when its starting the file transfer as it looks like the handshakes and connections all seem fine.

Is there a way to specify errors in the logs? I saw a setting but if I understand it, by default it logs errors and warnings and then you chose to log additional info etc?
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Post by sander »

Hmmm. Common problems with SABnzbd's "Windows Portable (32bit and legacy)" version on older Windows versions:

1. installing over an existing install, leading to incorrect binary/sabnzbd files
2. missing / wrong DLLs

So ... how did you install? Can you install into C:\TEMP\SAB400_test\ ? And from there run python-console.exe? And in SAB's webinterface, set Logging to +Debug ... via the Wrench symbol in the upper right corner.


We did big changes in SABnzbd SSL downloading. So does non-NNTPS / plain NNTP download work?


Make sure SABnzbd is not running anymore
In the directory where SABnzbd.exe is, open CMD, and do this:

Code: Select all

SABnzbd-console.exe -l2 -b1
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Post by airguy »

I have the same exact trouble with SABnzbd crashing at the start of the download. I am running it on Windows Server 2008 R2 (WHS 2011). 3.72 works fine. I have re-installed several times, but always repeats crashing when a download is started. Went back to 3.7.2 for now until this is resolved.
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Post by sander »

airguy wrote: April 30th, 2023, 8:03 am I have the same exact trouble with SABnzbd crashing at the start of the download. I am running it on Windows Server 2008 R2 (WHS 2011). 3.72 works fine. I have re-installed several times, but always repeats crashing when a download is started. Went back to 3.7.2 for now until this is resolved.
If it is crashing, not just stopping downloading, start a separate thread. This thread is not about crashing.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash_(computing) "In computing, a crash, or system crash, occurs when a computer program such as a software application or an operating system stops functioning properly and exits. "
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Post by safihre »

Just double checking that all of you have extracted the Standalone version to a new empty folder? So not used the same folder as 3.7.2?
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Post by mental »

sander wrote: April 30th, 2023, 9:28 am
airguy wrote: April 30th, 2023, 8:03 am I have the same exact trouble with SABnzbd crashing at the start of the download. I am running it on Windows Server 2008 R2 (WHS 2011). 3.72 works fine. I have re-installed several times, but always repeats crashing when a download is started. Went back to 3.7.2 for now until this is resolved.
If it is crashing, not just stopping downloading, start a separate thread. This thread is not about crashing.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash_(computing) "In computing, a crash, or system crash, occurs when a computer program such as a software application or an operating system stops functioning properly and exits. "

Mine is crashing as well, not just stopping the download. The entire instance dies
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Post by mental »

safihre wrote: April 30th, 2023, 9:29 am Just double checking that all of you have extracted the Standalone version to a new empty folder? So not used the same folder as 3.7.2?
I normally extract to the same folder, never bothered with a new one.
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Post by mental »

sander wrote: April 30th, 2023, 6:52 am Hmmm. Common problems with SABnzbd's "Windows Portable (32bit and legacy)" version on older Windows versions:

1. installing over an existing install, leading to incorrect binary/sabnzbd files
2. missing / wrong DLLs

So ... how did you install? Can you install into C:\TEMP\SAB400_test\ ? And from there run python-console.exe? And in SAB's webinterface, set Logging to +Debug ... via the Wrench symbol in the upper right corner.


We did big changes in SABnzbd SSL downloading. So does non-NNTPS / plain NNTP download work?


Make sure SABnzbd is not running anymore
In the directory where SABnzbd.exe is, open CMD, and do this:

Code: Select all

SABnzbd-console.exe -l2 -b1
I'll give this a go and feedback.
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Post by sander »

mental wrote: April 30th, 2023, 12:00 pm
Mine is crashing as well, not just stopping the download. The entire instance dies
Also for you:

1. make sure SABnzbd is not running. Use your (extended) taskmanager
2. download "Windows Portable (32bit and legacy)" and unpack it into C:\TEMP
3. open CMD and go into C:\TEMP\SABnzbd-4.0.0\
4. in there, start SABnzbd-console.exe with SABnzbd-console.exe -l2 -b1
5. if if stops downloading, or crashes, post the full output, or (if you're a new user) on https://pastebin.com/ and post the URL here with spaces in it like pastebin . com / f8dd8d8d

Only then we can analyze. Only "it crashes" does not help.
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Post by safihre »

I can confirm the problem.
Will work on a fix.
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Post by safihre »

Pushed a fixed release, 4.0.1.
We now included 32bit in the testing framework for continuous testing of also this release.
If you like our support, check our special newsserver deal or donate at: https://sabnzbd.org/donate
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Re: SABnzbd 4.0.0 on Windows 32 bit ... not downloading

Post by airguy »

4.01 works fine now. Thank you for your work.
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