Unpacker not moving on after no more DirectUnpacker alive

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Posts: 13
Joined: August 27th, 2020, 5:52 am

Unpacker not moving on after no more DirectUnpacker alive

Post by kacaukacau »

Basically the title. It does not happen to every downloads, but every one or two days it happens once at least.

In the log there will be a lot of

Code: Select all

2023-06-02 01:19:30,795::DEBUG::[newsunpack:536] DirectUnpacker still alive for DOWNLOAD_NAME: 0
every two seconds until I restart the container.

I'm using latest LinuxServer's Docker image.

Code: Select all

2023-06-01 02:41:53,828::INFO::[directunpacker:454] Aborting DirectUnpack for 4e3eb9b2ccd04ef1bc0f7c226253c64b
2023-06-01 02:41:54,036::DEBUG::[filesystem:945] Removing dir recursively /downloads/sabnzbd/tv-shows/_UNPACK_German.Genius.S01E03.720p.WEB.h264-EDITH  
2023-06-01 02:41:54,172::DEBUG::[newsunpack:536] DirectUnpacker still alive for German.Genius.S01E03.720p.WEB.h264-EDITH: 0

Code: Select all

is the hash for the downloaded file.

But after restarting the container, the downloads seem to have succeeded (?). The logs show that SABnzbd deobfuscated the file name, and the downloads is listed in the History tab as succeeded.
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Re: Unpacker not moving on after no more DirectUnpacker alive

Post by safihre »

Can you enable Debug logging in the Status window and then after it happens again click Show Logging in the Status window and send the logs to me at [email protected].
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