Warning: Do not use a folder in the application folder as your Scripts Folder, it might be emptied during updates.

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Warning: Do not use a folder in the application folder as your Scripts Folder, it might be emptied during updates.

Post by kummel »

I keep getting this warning when I go to the sabndbd website on startup. The script folder is not in the application folder.
Centos 9 (intel 64bit), sabnzbd 4.0.3
Thanks in advance

App-dir is /opt/sabnzb
There is no scripts dir under /opt/sabnzb

nas{root}120: grep _dir sabnzbd.ini
dirscan_dir = /data/nzbsab
email_dir = ""
log_dir = /opt/sabnzb-conf/logs
admin_dir = /opt/sabnzb-conf/admin
nzb_backup_dir = /data/oldnzb
download_dir = /inc
complete_dir = /data/Downloads
script_dir = /opt/sabnzb-conf/scripts
web_dir = Glitter
backup_dir = ""
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Re: Warning: Do not use a folder in the application folder as your Scripts Folder, it might be emptied during updates.

Post by safihre »

Indeed the message is wrong.
It's check is very simple, if the directory "starts with" the same directory.
Will see if I can improve the detection.
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Re: Warning: Do not use a folder in the application folder as your Scripts Folder, it might be emptied during updates.

Post by safihre »

Will be fixed in the next version.
For now you can disable the warning by disabeling helpful_warnings in Config > Specials.
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Re: Warning: Do not use a folder in the application folder as your Scripts Folder, it might be emptied during updates.

Post by kummel »

Thank you. I moved the scripts folder.
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