SQL Command Failed

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Joined: April 2nd, 2021, 12:09 pm

SQL Command Failed

Post by paulcyberengel »

I'm running version 4.3.2 [8a42abd] in a Docker swarm. I've noticed some odd behavior.

When an item is downloaded, after unpacking or during moving, I start getting SQL Command Failed errors. While this is happening the system stops downloading, the web interface keeps loosing connection to SABnzbd. Connection is restored, only to drop again a few seconds later. When I check the system logs I get repeated "database is locked" errors. If I navigate away from the home page and come back, the history panel is empty.

Once the move is complete, all errors stop and issues stop.
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Re: SQL Command Failed

Post by safihre »

Where is your database located? It seems your system is blocking access to the database file at the speed that's required, which isn't even that high..
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