Moved instance to new Mac and not creating folder structure

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Moved instance to new Mac and not creating folder structure

Post by eric1h »

So, i migrated all my files/apps from an older macbook to another, when i tried to start SAB, it didnt do anything, so i knew i had to update the sabnzbd.ini file located in the /Library/Application Support/SABnzbd/ folder, go to browse, it's missing, yes, i showed hidden files, it wasnt there.

So i deleted the SAB instance, and reinstalled from scratch 4.3.3... went through the restore from backup, and doesn't work, it STILL didnt create the SAB folder.

So i tried to run through the basic wizard config, SAB comes up with no data in it as expected, but STILL no SABnzbd folder so that i can swap the .ini file over or switch the config.

NOTE i had 4.3.3 on the older mac as well,. What is going on? as soon as i import the backup SAB no longer starts and i cant fix an .ini that doesnt exist.
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Re: Moved instance to new Mac and not creating folder structure

Post by sander »

> as soon as i import the backup SAB no longer starts

Let SABnzbd tell why it won't start:

On your Mac, open a terminal, and do this:

/Applications/ --console

The output in terminal will tell why SABnzbd won't start.
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