Late Night programs not found

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Late Night programs not found

Post by jwd3ca »

After several years of nearly flawless late night downloads, as of a few days ago some are failing. For example:
'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert' is not coming in. If I manually search my indexers , I find that the most recent episode
is 21 November 2024. (today is 28th) Strangely enough, 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' also has 21nov24 as the latest episode.
'Late Night with Seth Myers' missed a few episodes but has now begun downloading properly as of two nights ago.
Other programs seem OK, so it seems as if this is a "supply side" issue. As opposed to SAB per se.

Sab v 4.3.3
Servers: newshosting and frugalusenet
Indexers: nzbHydra--> nzbGeek, nzbFinder

Hoping someone can shed some light on this, I'm rather a newbie at debugging issues since all normally just works so well 8)
Thanks in advance!
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Re: Late Night programs not found

Post by sander »

> If I manually search my indexers , I find that the most recent episode is 21 November 2024. (today is 28th)

So: indexer (or uploader) problem. Nothing to do with SABnzbd. No need to do or debug anything in SABnzbd.
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Joined: November 28th, 2024, 1:00 pm

Re: Late Night programs not found

Post by jwd3ca »

>> so it seems as if this is a "supply side" issue. As opposed to SAB per se

Yes, thanks for confirming my suspicion. AAMAF, I got a few of the previously missing episodes last night. Go figure. Still don't know why that happens, but that's prolly a question for a different forum ') Along with my "missing articles" questions...
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