i looked through the source-code and I think i located the problem, as it says on this forum under the apikey announcement:
If set, the web username and password is still required as well as the apikey. This may change in version 0.5, however for now both the api key and user/password are required.
However in the code whenever an apikey is set it's only the apikey which is appended to the url that is used in automation.
This is what a section of the code looks like now:
if ((SABnzbdStatus.getPreference('sabusername') != '') && (SABnzbdStatus.getPreference('apikey') == ''))
fullUrl += '&ma_username='+SABnzbdStatus.getPreference('sabusername')+'&ma_password='+SABnzbdStatus.getPreference('sabpassword');
if (SABnzbdStatus.getPreference('apikey') != '')
fullUrl += '&apikey='+SABnzbdStatus.getPreference('apikey');
i believe it should be changed to
if ((SABnzbdStatus.getPreference('sabusername') != ''))
fullUrl += '&ma_username='+SABnzbdStatus.getPreference('sabusername')+'&ma_password='+SABnzbdStatus.getPreference('sabpassword');
if (SABnzbdStatus.getPreference('apikey') != '')
fullUrl += '&apikey='+SABnzbdStatus.getPreference('apikey');
I'll test it when I get home and put up a fixed version if it works (unless the original author is gonna put out a fixed version).
Edit: Tested my solution and it works, you can grab it from the link below:
Simon, Denmark