My School just changed some stuff ont he network and things are not running.

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My School just changed some stuff ont he network and things are not running.

Post by Bamf »

The School i work at has awesome 100 meg down and 20 up speeds, but the network was altered over the summer time and now my stuff wont download. Now the reality is there is probably nothing I can do about this, yet I am wondering if there is a way to overcome this problem. My question would be whether there is something in the settings I can change to allow me to still use this network. I feel like a fat kid at a buffet line that cant eat haha.

Anything I need to check that would help you guys walk me through this if possible just let me know.

At any rate thanks for any advice.

Warmest regards!!!

Version: 0.4.8
OS: Windows Vista 32
Install-type: Not sure?
Skin (if applicable): Default
Firewall Software: None on my end
Are you using IPV6?  no
Is the issue reproducible?  yes
Last edited by Bamf on August 27th, 2009, 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My School just changed some stuff ont he network and things are not running.

Post by switch »

Does your newsgroup provider offer SSL access? Are you currently using SSL? If not try enabling SSL (will require a different port such as 563 or 443).

If SSL isn't available, try the different ports your provider offers.
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Re: My School just changed some stuff ont he network and things are not running.

Post by Bamf »

Yes I am using astraweb. I do not have SSL enabled, but will try that now. So, ports 563 and 443 are the ports I should use yes? Thanks for the info I will try it now and let you know what happens.
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Re: My School just changed some stuff ont he network and things are not running.

Post by DeXeS »

Good chance that port 443 for SSL is not blocked for the finance department for online payments and such. If it is blocked, you can say that it is blocked and you need certain websites that need a secure line (SSL).
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Re: My School just changed some stuff ont he network and things are not running.

Post by Ancillas »

You might want to try finding a free proxy online.  You can use Putty to create an SSH tunnel to the proxy on port 80.  Then, create a port forward in Putty so that all of your traffic gets forwarded through the tunnel.  To clarify:

sabnzbd initiates a connection on a port -> Putty takes the sabnzbd port and forwards it to port 80 -> traffic travels through the school network on port 80 and into the proxy server -> the proxy server then forwards the traffic from port 80 to the original sabnzbd port -> traffic is forwarded to your news server on the original port.

The trick here will be finding a proxy that is fast enough.
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