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Hey everyone, I have sabnzbd+ 0.4.2 running on ubuntu hardy. 1st of all it works perfectly, all features work great and I have configured it to use the init.d daemon start/stop method described in the sabnzbd+ manual page. This allows it to start on bootup and it works fine with one exception. If i enable sabnzbd+ authentication the stop portion of the code no longer works properly and sabnzbd+ fails to shut down properly on system reboot/shutdown or with a manual sh stop execution. Is there something that can be done with the code to authenticate the wget line to allow me to use the daemon stop and still use sabnzbd+ authentication? Thanks in advance. Here is the code I am using at /etc/init.d/
switch wrote:
This works great, thanks again Switch. Also i thought I would share that in order to have this script stop sabnzbd properly on reboot and shutdown a symbolic link needs to be made to it in both the /etc/rc0.d/ and /etc/rc6.d/ directories using something similar to "K99sabnzb" as the link name.