My current server setup is:
1 main server, retention 100 days
1 fillserver, retention 40 days
At first I had the switch option mentioned above (title) enabled.
When SAB found a CRC error file, it would switch over to the fillserver and that would work great.
But if the post had a retention of > 40 days, my fillserver wouldn't be able to download the post and SAB wouldn't switch back over to the main server and fix the post at the end of the download.
SAB would just idle and the queue would stop.
Could this problem be solved in a new build of SAB+, because it makes the whole main/fillserver option useless.
Ideas: making an extra option in the switches menu or adding an extra line in the server setup where we can enter the specific server retention time, so SAB knows what to do when a particular server can't handle the retention.
Addition to the switch option 'Fail on yenc crc Errors: No Yes; Use fill servers
Re: Addition to the switch option 'Fail on yenc crc Errors: No Yes; Use fill ser
There may very well be a problem in SABnzbd, although I don;t quite
understand what goes wrong in yiour situation.
Also, I find your use of fill servers a bit strange.
Why have a 100 day server as primary and a 40 day server as backup?
The idea of fill-servers is that you use a cheaper (but less reliable) server as
primary and use a reliable (but expensive) server as backup.
For instance use a free server as primary and a pay-per-GB server
to fill the gaps.
Also missing messages tend to get lost while posting, meaning that most of
the time such messages will be missing on all severs.
More over, CRC errors are quite rare in my experience and tend to be wrong
on all servers. And most of the time, par2 will take care of it.
Do you need the option at all?
understand what goes wrong in yiour situation.
Also, I find your use of fill servers a bit strange.
Why have a 100 day server as primary and a 40 day server as backup?
The idea of fill-servers is that you use a cheaper (but less reliable) server as
primary and use a reliable (but expensive) server as backup.
For instance use a free server as primary and a pay-per-GB server
to fill the gaps.
Also missing messages tend to get lost while posting, meaning that most of
the time such messages will be missing on all severs.
More over, CRC errors are quite rare in my experience and tend to be wrong
on all servers. And most of the time, par2 will take care of it.
Do you need the option at all?