set newdir=%1
set newdir=%newdir:C:\Program\SABnzbd\download\complete=\\nas\media\Download%
set sourcedir=%1
robocopy %sourcedir% %newdir% /MOVE /E /V /NP /XF *.nzb /R:10 /W:30 >>C:\Program\SABnzbd\Robocopy.log
Uses the Robocopy.exe program from [url=http://""]windows 2003 resource kit[/url] and will create a new destination folder on you server/NAS and move the content from you computer to the server. Once done the ..\complete folder will be empty...
First of all , for me it doesn't work. All folders are assumed to be under the install folder ...
Secondly, it must be much faster to access the files locally during checking and repairing and once done , sent it away