I have been trying to add the newzbin bookmark feed to the RSS feature.
I can add the bookmark, and when i add the filter (as its not available when i first put a feed address in) i then get a cherrypy server 500 error and have to remove the rss feed manually from the ini file.
RSS Newzbin Issue
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Check your connection in Status and Interface settings window.
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Re: RSS Newzbin Issue
Please set logging level to "Debug" (in the Connections page).
Then enter the feed (or filter again).
When you get the error again, please retrieve the logging file (Connections page) and email it to [email protected].
When I do the exact same thing, I don't get the error.
(I do have a problem getting newzbin to accept the URI, but that's another problem)
Then enter the feed (or filter again).
When you get the error again, please retrieve the logging file (Connections page) and email it to [email protected].
When I do the exact same thing, I don't get the error.
(I do have a problem getting newzbin to accept the URI, but that's another problem)
Re: RSS Newzbin Issue
Just adding that he probably wants both cherrypy.log and sabnzbd.log