Yes, SABSync is trying to replace your episodes with a PROPER.
SABSync will only delete an episode to replace it with a PROPER if the following conditions are met:
downloadPropers = "true" in the config file
Episode is not already in the Queue
NZB has not already been imported (The current one it is checking, IE the PROPER NZB).
It looks like SAB is storing the previously imported NZB file and SABSync is able to find it for the PROPER, but not for the non-PROPER release, which looks to me like SAB previously tried to add the PROPER and you removed it form the queue (AFTER it deleted the previous file from disk).
I was able to reproduce this hiccup, which happened due to a number of things.
-Original Episode was downloaded from Newzbin or was not a PROPER (since for a PROPER SABSync will only look for an exact match of the NZB file, not a fixed name like from Newzbin)
-When running SABSync it found the PROPER and downloadPropers is set to true, the NZB file for the PROPER was not found, nor was the episode in the queue (so it was deleted).
-You/I noticed that this episode was added and we already have it (We had it until SABSync deleted it) so remove it from the Queue
-Run SABSync again and it determines that this episode is missing, so it tries to add the PROPER (but it's in the NZB imported Dir and SABSync skips it), but the next item (the non-PROPER) is added because it has not been previously added to SABnzbd and the NZB has not been saved.
-System appears to be broken, but on next run it should not download the same episode as it is found on disk, though the non-PROPER has been downloaded in place of a PROPER.
EDIT: Try out 0.9.1 from - It will now Log when it is deleting an episode in favour of a PROPER.
EDIT2: Grab 0.9.2, it fixes an issue with PROPERs and multiple TVRoot folders
Can you confirm that the episode(s) is/are on disk right now and run SABSync again?
Are you still seeing SABSync trying to re-add the same episode again?
Filenames in the release are for new users and old users, for old users, just don't overwrite the config file, if new settings are required I'll put them in a post, likely here and on the GoogleCode Page, that is better than telling new users to rename the files.