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Do you experience problems during repair or unpacking?
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I think sabnzbd is starting before my external drive mounts when my system (xbmc live) starts up. So the download, watched, and incomplete folders all revert back to their default values because they can't find or create the folders on the external drive until it mounts.
I get this error:
2010-05-15 19:16:06,520::INFO::[misc:226] (['misc'], 'dirscan_dir') directory: /media/Revomon/watched does not exist, try to create it
2010-05-15 19:16:06,521::ERROR::[misc:228] #error-createDir# /media/Revomon/watched
Anyone know any possible workarounds or fixes? I'm a beginner with linux so I don't know how to code or implement anything that tells sabnzbd to start after my external drive mounts.
This depends on how you start it.
Do you use the init.d system?
The trick is to have your startup script check for the presence of your
mounted drives.
It should only start SABnzbd when you see the "right" volume.
I understand that the init.d system is located in /etc/init.d/ and I can place scripts in there to run commands but I'm still too early on in my linux knowledge to know how it's done. Do you have any solution I could copy/paste?