2010-05-20 02:06:06.787820 SEARCH :: The XML returned from the NZBs'R'US RSS feed is incomplete, this result is unusable: This is the NZBs'R'US RSS feed. http://www.nzbsrus.com en-US 1 Thu, 20 May 2010 07:30:46 am HD http://www.nzbsrus.com/nzbdownload_rss.php/313142/XXXXXX/my-key-here/ <b>Category:</b> HD<br><b>IMDb Rating:</b> 9.6<br><b>Uploaded:</b> Thu, 20 May 2010 07:30:46 am<br><b>Size:</b> 31.80 GiB (410 files)<br><b>Files:</b> 334<br><b>Par2s:</b> 76<br><b>Description:</b> If you like this, buy it! <a target="_blank" href="http://www.nzbsrus.com/nzbdetails.php?id=313142&hit=1">Go to post >>></a><br><br><a target="_blank" href="http://www.nzbsrus.com/nzbviewnfo.php?id=313142"><u>Click here to view the NFO</u></a> Thu, 20 May 2010 07:18:00 am HD http://www.nzbsrus.com/nzbdownload_rss.php/313141/XXXXXX/my-key-here/ <b>Category:</b> HD<br><b>Uploaded:</b> Thu, 20 May 2010 07:18:00 am<br><b>Size:</b> 814.10 MiB (26 files)<br><b>Files:</b> 18<br><b>Par2s:</b> 8<br><b>Description:</b> If you like this, buy it! <a target="_blank" href="http://www.nzbsrus.com/nzbdetails.php?id=313141&hit=1">Go to post >>></a><br>
midgetspy wrote:
I don't think you're allowed to paste links to NZBs like that BTW.
Does it always have that error or did it just do that once? Can you show me the full log please in pastebin?
I would but I cleared my errors 30 minutes ago. I have not seen that error again (it had three or so of them over last night...) I am thinking you are right that it was just caused by certain reports while they existed in the rss feed.
I will post the errors to pastebin for you if they show up again. Excited to have more sources!!! Thanks for that midgetspy!!!
Make sure you delete the tvshow.nfo before you try to add it again. Also there's no reason to rename the folder - when you add a show it asks you what you want to use for the show search name - just add the year there.
NZBsRUs integration doesn't seem to be working. Perhaps I'm not understanding how to configure it, though - it's asking for a hash - there's no hash that I can find on NZBsRUS.
So putting in random information solves the complaint in the log that the fields are blank, however when searching for a show it does not find it on NZBsRUS, even though the show is there and if you search for it manually, it works.
NZBMatrix, I guess their API is busted? Because Sick Beard won't find any shows on there either - Gets a Errno 111 Connection Refused.
Do you/how do you want us to submit patches to Sick Beard?
Inaba wrote:
NZBsRUs integration doesn't seem to be working. Perhaps I'm not understanding how to configure it, though - it's asking for a hash - there's no hash that I can find on NZBsRUS.
So putting in random information solves the complaint in the log that the fields are blank, however when searching for a show it does not find it on NZBsRUS, even though the show is there and if you search for it manually, it works.
NZBMatrix, I guess their API is busted? Because Sick Beard won't find any shows on there either - Gets a Errno 111 Connection Refused.
Do you/how do you want us to submit patches to Sick Beard?
Ok, got it ... although it seems like a fairly useless search unless it's a brand new show in regards to NZBsRUs - but I guess that's a known issue and really a result of the limited RSS feed available from NZBsRUS?
What's the problem with NZBMatrix currently, is it NZM's side, API wise or Sick Beard side?
Configuring NZBMatrix is not like NZBsRUS, since NZBMatrix has an actual API Key that you can get from your profile page, yes?
Yeah basically because they have no API I can't do anything but look on the RSS feed. If/when they make an API then I can support all of Sick Beard's features on them.
The NZBMatrix problem is their fault, the API/RSS is down/broken.
Ah, yeah that's what I thought on both fronts, rats! Might be worth it to develop a scraping framework to handle sites that don't have API's or when the API's are broken. Wouldn't be terribly difficult, but if the format changes on the pages, it would obviously break it... probably not a huge issue though.
Do you want us to/How do you want us to submit patches to Sick Beard?
Last edited by Inaba on May 20th, 2010, 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
So what is the version of sickbeard that supports nzbsrus.com?
Btw, Can you guys also check out nzbclub.com, seems like a derivative of nzbs.org but also has rss feeds and is pretty snappy and best of all free. I agree a framework to just look at any site rss feed should be given some thought.
Instead of using patches just fork the repo at github, make your changes in your forked repo, and then send a pull request. I can pull your changes directly from your repo that way.
Just update to latest if you want nzbsrus.com support. In a few days I'll probably make a new windows build if that's what you meant. I'll look into nzbclub.com - if anybody knows any other sites just let me know. I do want to make generic RSS support but generic full API support is pretty difficult because each site is quite different. There is another solution that will hopefully come around in the next few weeks that'll significantly improve the SB provider support though :0)