noobiscus wrote:
Great app, and for something so new its really, mostly, very usable (quality setup is really great). Some things I've noticed however (been using this for all of 1 hour!)
The search box UI for adding movies isn't, actually, very usable at all. Example: "Spiderman" - that search gives about 12 results, and in all honesty its quite believable that a user might want to add Spiderman, Spiderman 2 and Spiderman 3 (and even Spiderman 4 if they're thinking ahead). To do that you have to repeat the search 4 times, adding one each time. This really wants a decent page of its own for results, so that you can check off the results you want, and choose quality individually for each you want to add.
Its also not very intuitive that if the search finds only one result it silently adds it to the list. Where it adds is far from being guaranteed to be on screen; you need to give some indication of whats happened.
Given that CP and SabNZBD are running on the same PC for me, which is not (will never be) the PC from which I'm using the CP interface, it would also be a great improvement long term to run the search through javascript on the client machine; the internet connection is running full tilt on the server side, and search takes a LONG TIME. Sending just the action instructions to the server would be a lot more efficient in this case. Currently I'd need to stop SAB to use CP, really.
After changing settings for Providers I found that the force recheck button did nothing until I restarted CP. Likewise my recheck interval was ignored until a restart. Maybe its unavoidable that this is so, but in that case you need to tell people to restart after making changes.
I know you already know that nzbmatrix is busted, but it does render the whole program non functional at the moment as the checking process just dies if you have login details for nzbmatrix entered. That means that today the first impression your software gives is "doesn't work" - and thats a real shame because without that stumbling block it works great.
Relatedly: an option to disable a provider rather than remove the login details would make this issue less annoying to work around too. (overall, of course, a provider sending back nonsense or not responding killing the check process is a bug at your end anyway)
Overall, I'd like to repeat what I said at the start; great app, shows huge potential and is overall really well built.
Runnning r16 windows, from the binary.
Thanks for the suggestions.
When adding multiple movies, the IMDB script is the best way I think. While Spiderman (and maybe other trilogies) is an exception, I don't see much value in yet another screen you have to click through. When you set the default quality in options, you only need to click 3 times per movie
The one result, you are correct. And I'll make an notification message "on movie add" at the top of the page.
I think a proper search could never be implemented through javascript alone. If SAB kills your connection that much, maybe limit it by 50KB, so other connections could go through.
Changing settings shouldn't need a restart (except the general tab options), I'll check it out.
I was also thinking of making the error handling better and indeed make an enable/disable function for the providers.
It shouldn't break if one of the searches is down, that's for sure