Touch - for SABnzbd

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Touch - for SABnzbd

Post by rdougan »

I have started working on a SABnzb theme that uses the Sencha Touch framework.

Currently you can view the queue and your history. With the queue you can sort, pause, resume and limit the speed. You can also update the name, unpacking options, priority and category (not quite sure what the best UI for this is yet).

I'm a perfectionist, so I won't be releasing it until it works 100% properly.

It will work on any webkit based browser so far, with it only being optimized for the iPad- but I will be changing it so it works on the iPhone too.

Any suggestions on what to add to the UI?

Things I'll be adding:
- better UI for editing/deleting download items/slots
- better UI for download queue (display more data in a better way)
- possible UI for configuration
- options to add a new file/url

I may also change it so it can be an actual iPad/iPhone on the AppStore - not sure on this yet though.

Here is a screenshot for now, let me know what you think.

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Re: Touch - for SABnzbd

Post by flydeprutten »

This sounds great! :)

I really hope you will continue the work on the web-based templated, and not make it into a iPod/iPhone-only App, for the sake of us Android-fans. ;)

I Also hope we can continue sharing ideas and code, even though we are not working on the same project anymore.  :)
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Re: Touch - for SABnzbd

Post by rdougan »

Good idea about search support - I will look into that, shouldn't be hard.

I will be keeping it as a web interface only for now. :)
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Re: Touch - for SABnzbd

Post by flydeprutten »

I have been playing with a feature like that, and the biggest problem is the "cross-domain policy". But this can be overcome by using a serverside proxy like the google ajax feed api. After that, it is just a question of reading a RSS-feed. Sites like Newzbin and NZBs(dot)org supports searching through RSS-feeds. Pretty easy to do.
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Re: Touch - for SABnzbd

Post by rdougan »

flydeprutten wrote: I have been playing with a feature like that, and the biggest problem is the "cross-domain policy". But this can be overcome by using a serverside proxy like the google ajax feed api. After that, it is just a question of reading a RSS-feed. Sites like Newzbin and NZBs(dot)org supports searching through RSS-feeds. Pretty easy to do.
Yup - I've that setup already using YQL. Fairly simple. Completed the NZBMatrix stuff, now to move onto the other ones.
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Re: Touch - for SABnzbd

Post by lhagan »

I know it's a long shot given that a few months have passed without any activity here, but I was really hoping to see a release. Any progress?

Otherwise, I suppose I'll have to do it myself (I'm thinking SproutCore instead of Sencha Touch, though).
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Re: Touch - for SABnzbd

Post by lhagan »

Good to know -- I'll keep an eye out!
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