mulitple par set failed files

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mulitple par set failed files

Post by tongsama »

windows 7 64
error reproducible

I download some video files. I have my sabnzb 5.4 set to delete samples. I am using default delete option.. It should verify, repair, and delete. I would get Failed files if the nzb has 2 par sets.. one set for the movie and one for the samples.
basically if i go to the folder, all the movie rar files are there and no pars.. the sample is gone, and the par set for sample is there.. the original nzb file includes all pars for both sets.
Last edited by tongsama on September 14th, 2010, 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: mulitple par set failed files

Post by shypike »

How did you set the sample option? "Delete after download" or "Do not download" ?

It would help if you send the NZB file to bugs at
Please include the URL of this message.
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Re: mulitple par set failed files

Post by tongsama »

thx for reply I have it set at "Do not download".. I guess since it never downloads it checks the par set and labels it a fail without checking for the movie par set. ill send a sample nzb to the email

edit: email has been sent.. I have now set it to "Delete after download" .. i will update results.
Last edited by tongsama on September 15th, 2010, 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: mulitple par set failed files

Post by shypike »

Thanks, I'll investigate this.
But it might take some time, there's so much in the queue.
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Re: mulitple par set failed files

Post by Gfy »

For me, this behavior isn't a bug. Let me explain:

I assume sample deletion does work most of the time, but not for this nzb? (Otherwise it is a bug)

You have an nzb with the main movie, the sample(s) and probably vobsubs too?
-The main movie has pars. These can be downloaded, used for repair and deleted afterwards. This works as expected.
-You say you get "Failed files if the nzb has 2 par sets". So the pars of the sample will probably be used for these too! (sample + subs, cover, ect) What happens is the following:
The vobsubs aren't samples and will be downloaded. Because you check "Do not download", the sample won't be downloaded. When sabnzbd tries to repair this parset, it will fail because the sample isn't there, but it tries because of the extra files. Then it will download the extra pars and tries to recover it. This fails because the sample is larger than the additional files. The result is that you have these additional files and pars because reparation "failed".

A solution for this case would be to use "Delete after download". If the subs are corrupt, they can be repaired and the pars will be deleted.

It can be solved in a proper way too, but I consider this as a new feature to make it nicer :)
When the par checking occurs, sabnzbd needs to check that all files fully succeed, except for the discarded sample(s). In this case no additional pars need to be downloaded and they can be deleted. When there is corruption, the par files will be there again.
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