Verify after unrar erroneously reports "[newsunpack:557] Missing expected file"

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Joined: January 4th, 2011, 5:43 am

Verify after unrar erroneously reports "[newsunpack:557] Missing expected file"

Post by Ravefiend »

Version: 0.5.6
OS: Windows 7 x64
Install-type:  Windows Installer
Skin (if applicable): smpl Version: 1.3
Firewall Software: [none]
Are you using IPV6? no
Is the issue reproducible? yes

SABnzbd encountered the following failure today:

Code: Select all

2011-01-04 10:37:15,282::WARNING::[newsunpack:557] Missing expected file: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/CD 2/xx - xxxxxx _ xxxxxxxx => unrar error?
(blanked out the unrelated info with x's)

The root cause of the problem is that the filename inside the RAR archive contains two different dash characters. The first one is OK, with a hex value of 2D where the the second one has hex value 96. Unrar extracted the archive without any issues and the filename is exactly as it is stored in the archive, containing the two different dashes. Seems like newsunpack converts the longer dash (0x96) into an underscore and thus fails to find it in the extract location.

Options set (if relevant):
Enable built-in unrar functionality.
Replace illegal characters in folder names by equivalents (otherwise remove).
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Re: Verify after unrar erroneously reports "[newsunpack:557] Missing expected file"

Post by shypike »

Alas a known issue.
SABnzbd does a post-unpack check, but doesn't always know how unrar maps odd characters.
The easiest solution is to set unpack_check off.
See here:
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