HI All M
My first post here and to be honest Ive never needed to post till now as SabNZBd has always worked flawlessly..however I am now stumped so any assistance would be great.
I have noticed recently that my download queue has stopped when the top the queue item has fully downloaded, the download bar shows as full and it also states that the re is "0 left" to be downloaded....hoever, when the item gets to this state at the end of its download, it just stops,the entire queue download speed drops to 0 and nothing else happens.
If you move the next empty file in the queue up to the top, the next file starts to download at full speed and everything is fine until it completes that file and once again everything comes to a complete halt
I have ahad a quick scan through this forum but couldnt find antyhing similar....so if anyone can add any assistance it would be greatly appreciated...thanks
Downloads never completing
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Re: Downloads never completing
How is the option "Only get articles for top of the queue" in Config->Switches set?
I suspect that you have at least non-functioning Usenet server in Config->Servers.
If an article is missing on all servers, but one server refuses to say it doesn't have it
(or is just off line), downloading will hang.
I suspect that you have at least non-functioning Usenet server in Config->Servers.
If an article is missing on all servers, but one server refuses to say it doesn't have it
(or is just off line), downloading will hang.