Since the last couple of days I've been using SABnzbd+ and it's a blast! I really like the speed
I've experienced a few bugs and have some questions.
I didn't read the all the 38 pages (at the time of writing) of bugs to see if they're already reported, so if they are you can just ignore them
Basic information:
Version: 0.6.0 Beta 4 English
OS: Windows 7 x64 English
Install-type: Windows Installer
Skin: Plush
Firewall Software: Windows 7 Firewall
Browser: Firefox 4
I'm not using IPv6
All of the bugs are reproducable for me.
The Test Server button is not working (found in the Servers options).
It keeps saying 'Invalid server adress'.
When using %fn in the (TV) sorting option the folder will just be called %fn.
Using %s.n.S%0s\%fn will result in \My.Favorite.Series.S01\%fn\
In the Server options you can set a Timeout. I've set this to 60 seconds. But it seems it retries each ~6 seconds when this error occurs:
Code: Select all
ERROR::[downloader:492] Probable account sharing (
When a download has finished and has been unrarred and does not fit in any category or is being handled by any sorting the destination folder is
For example: C:\Binaries\MyAwesomeHoliday.1\MyAwesomeHoliday.mkv
I don't know why the .1 is there, I've tried to enable/disable the Enable folder rename option (found in the Switches) but has the same result.
And, you guessed it, I'd like to get rid of the .1
I really like the sorting feature, although I'd like more customization on the actual renaming, like using RegEx to search.
I haven't really explored the PP script execution yet but I guess there lies part of my answer.
Thanks for reading!