Serve RSS feeds of downloaded content

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Serve RSS feeds of downloaded content

Post by acid_kewpie »


I've been looking for a good way to have tv shows available on usenet available on my android phone as easily as a normal podcast rss feed. Using SABnzbd+ I've been able to download the files using RSS feeds from binsearch and can rsync a directory to my phone, but ideally I'd like to be able to get an RSS feed of the downloaded avi files available to use within my podcast client (doggcatcher). Given that there are already category structures within SAB, I would like to think it's not too much work to add an RSS per category which my phone can then latch on to totally generically.

Code: Select all

BINSEARCH --(RSS)--> SABnzbd --(RSS)--> doggcatcher
of course, if there'a a better mechanism I'm missing out on, I'd love to know!

Edit.. Noticed that there is a history rss feed, so could the downloaded files not be added to this?

More editing.... OK, so there's actually not much to do here, all the rss objects are ready for the enclosure to be added, I can get mimetypes and file size etc... and there's even a search function already in the code. Two things that are still vague to me in order to be able to submit a patch...

- Can the files be reached through the SABnzbd server? Currently I've got the enclosure url pointing towards an apache server on the same host which is serving my download directory and this surely can't be part of a finished solution.
- How would I find the address that the server is listening on? Obviously in an RSS feed a relative URL makes no sense, so (at least as a default) need the exact hostname used to reach the RSS stream in the RSS output.


Last edited by acid_kewpie on April 11th, 2011, 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Serve RSS feeds of downloaded content

Post by shypike »

I cannot really translate your thoughts to actual feature requests.
Some remarks:
SABnzbd can only show local server paths, because it doesn't know the mapping to external paths.
SABnzbd is not a file server.
The history RSS is a bit of an afterthought we added ages ago, but is of dubious value.
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