I'm wondering if it's just me (or one of my settings), but my downloads seem awfully slow.
I'm running SABnzbd RC2 on a Ubuntu 10.10 headless server (virtual machine in ESXi 4.1).
Configured resources:
2x vCPU @ 2.1GHz
1024mb memory.
250GB hdd.
SABnzbd config:
Code: Select all
__version__ = 19
queue_complete = ""
https_port = 9090
folder_rename = 1
password_file = ""
rss_rate = 60
https_key = server.key
cleanup_list = ,
cache_limit = 150
ignore_unrar_dates = 0
par_option = ""
web_color = gold
replace_spaces = 0
web_color2 = ""
dirscan_speed = 60
enable_filejoin = 1
create_group_folders = 0
api_key = ***********************
never_repair = 0
no_penalties = 0
bandwidth_limit = 0
dirscan_dir = /public/Downloads/Import
disable_api_key = 0
email_to = ,
password = ""
permissions = 0775
auto_disconnect = 1
enable_date_sorting = 0
replace_dots = 0
movie_sort_extra = -cd%1
ionice = ""
enable_unzip = 1
download_free = 10
port = 8080
email_dir = ""
pre_script = None
email_full = 0
log_dir = /downloads/sabnzbd/logs
admin_dir = /downloads/sabnzbd/admin
nzb_backup_dir = /downloads/sabnzbd/nzb-backup
tv_sort_countries = 1
date_categories = tv,
ssl_type = v23
sfv_check = 1
date_sort_string = ""
schedlines = ,
host =
ignore_samples = 0
enable_tsjoin = 1
auto_browser = 0
pause_on_post_processing = 1
enable_unrar = 1
email_rss = 0
email_account = ""
email_server = ""
allow_streaming = 0
config_lock = 0
api_warnings = 1
tv_sort_string = ""
username = ""
unpack_check = 0
download_dir = /downloads/sabnzbd/incomplete
size_limit = ""
enable_par_cleanup = 1
safe_postproc = 1
cache_dir = cache
complete_dir = /downloads/sabnzbd/complete
replace_illegal = 1
par2_multicore = 0
warned_old_queue = 0
language = nl
check_new_rel = 1
enable_https = 0
no_dupes = 0
top_only = 1
quick_check = 1
movie_sort_string = ""
email_from = ""
movie_extra_folder = 0
email_endjob = 0
tv_categories = ,
pause_on_pwrar = 1
login_realm = SABnzbd
send_group = 0
refresh_rate = 0
movie_categories = movies,
script_dir = /downloads/sabnzbd/scripts
email_pwd = ""
ignore_wrong_unrar = 0
nice = ""
enable_movie_sorting = 0
https_cert = server.cert
web_dir2 = ""
fail_on_crc = 0
nzb_key = ************************
auto_sort = 0
ampm = 0
web_dir = Plush
queue_complete_pers = 0
enable_tv_sorting = 0
folder_max_length = 256
log_new = 0
max_log_size = 5242880
log_level = 1
log_backups = 5
enable_cherrypy_logging = 0
At the start (first couple of hundred mb's) I'm downloading at full speed.
After that the download drops to about a tenth of the speed of my connection.
I'm also seeing the Sysload go up to 4.xx/5.xx.
Any ideas why it's hogging the CPU?
I have a feeling that's the main reason it's that slow.
Thanx for all imput.