Do you experience problems during downloading?
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Do you experience problems during repair or unpacking?
Enable +Debug logging in the Status and Interface settings window and share the relevant parts of the log here using [ code ] sections.
I recently upgraded from 0.6.9 to 0.6.10 and I'm now encountering an abnormally high repair failure rate, around 90%. Despite the classical error message, I'm still always able to repair the files with an external software (QuickPar in this case) with the parity files that SABnzbd+ downloaded.
As this occurs now that I have upgraded to 0.6.10, I have the feeling that there might be some kind of bug but I might as well be missing something...
Downloaded in 3 hours 51 minutes 17 seconds at an average of 3.0 MB/s
[***] Verified in 3 minutes 4 seconds, repair is required
In this case, the download is reported as "failed", "repair is required" but no "xxx blocks are missing" and I was able to repair it with QuickPar without additional parity files.
Have you tried going back to 0.6.9?
There are no changes in 0.6.10 having to do with par2 handling.
It could very well be a case of badly named par2 files.
QuickPar is a bit more forgiving, because you need to tell which par2 files to use.
We're working on improving the par2 method, but until that time your occasionally stuck with manual repairs.
Yesterday I disabled Quick Check just to be sure, I'll see if there's any improvement. I'll go back to 0.6.9 and let you know. Regarding filenames, I observed some files with the .1 extension. I don't why they're name in that way because there aren't 2 copies of them in the folder. It is clear QuickPar deals with this issue properly. Btw I hope to see such kind of handling in SAB in the future. Keep up the good word.