OS: Win7 64
Install-type: Windows Installer
Is the issue reproducible? Yes
Disk setup: C: SABnzbd install, E: Complete, H: Incomplete
Problem: When Complete disk becomes full and unpack fails, SAB will move what files it can from the Incomplete folder to Complete and then delete the remaining files.
In previous releases if the complete folder became full then UNPACK would fail and SAB would start moving the .rar files over. That would eventually fill the disk also so I would be left with some of the files in the Complete folder and the rest in the Incomplete folder. That would allow me to free up space on the Complete disk the move the files into one folder and unpack them manually.
I plan on moving to 0.6.14 soon. Changelogs didn't seem to indicate it was fixed.
I've had this happen at least twice. Once was a "TV" download with a postscript, the other was a non-catagorized DL, no postscript. All were set to +Delete processing.
2011-12-18 11:27:25,714::WARNING::[newsunpack:582] ERROR: write error ( in the file E:\Newsbin\_UNPACK_Title/Filename.iso [R]etry, [A]bort)
2011-12-18 11:29:06,635::ERROR::[misc:748] Failed moving H:\temp\nzb_incomplete\Title\Filename.r65 to E:\Newsbin\_UNPACK_Title\Filename.r65
Settings INI:
Code: Select all
__version__ = 19
## host we should listen on, leave "" for localhost
host =
## port we should listen on
port = 8080
## username for the web-interface
username = ""
## password for the web-interface
password = ""
## web file dir for (custom) Cheetah templates and the default.css file
web_dir = Plush
## dir to put downloads to, won't be created automatically
download_dir = H:\temp\nzb_incomplete
## dir to put completed downloads to, won't be created automatically
complete_dir = E:\Newsbin\
## If specified, .nzbs fetched by postid (or added by the dirscanner) will
## be backed up to this readable/writeable dir
nzb_backup_dir = E:\Newsbin\NZB_backups
## dir to store cache and cookie files
cache_dir = ./cache
## location of your log directory, "" to disable logging
log_dir = ./logs
## dirscan directory
## SABnzbd will consume everything in that dir
## while trying to add it to the queue
dirscan_dir = E:\Newsbin\NZB_blackhole
## Scheduling options
## Syntax: minute hour day action
## 1st argument must be 0-59 (minute)
## 2nd argument must be 0-24 (hour)
## 3rd argument must be 1-7 (day) or *
## 4th argument must be resume or pause
## e.g schedlines = 0 7 * pause, 0 21 * resume
## to pause SABnzbd at 7:00 and resume operation at 21:00
schedlines = ,
## default options for dirscan added items
## 0 = None
## 1 = +Repair
## 2 = +Unpack
## 3 = +Delete
dirscan_opts = 3
## Enable/disable filejoining
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
enable_filejoin = 1
## Enable/disable unraring
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
enable_unrar = 1
## Enable/disable unzipping
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
enable_unzip = 1
## Enable/disable periodic queue saving
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
## Enable this on unstable systems
enable_save = 1
## Enable/disable
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
## Enable to cleanup par2 files
## (only if verifiying/repairing succeded)
enable_par_cleanup = 1
## should we failover on yenc crc errors
## 0 = no
## 1 = yes
fail_on_crc = 0
## should we download to group folders?
## (i.e /my/download/dir/alt.bin.whatever/somepost/)
## 0 = no
## 1 = yes
create_group_folders = 0
## Cleanup List
## List of file_extensions that should be deleted
## Example: ".nfo," or ".nfo, .sfv"
cleanup_list = .1, .sfv, .nzb, .srr
## Fetch old files first
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
f_mode = 0
## Automatically sort by average age
## 0 = No
## 1 = Yes
auto_sort = 0
## Send group command before requesting articles
## 0 = No
## 1 = Yes
send_group = 0
## Article cache limit
## 0 = Disable Cache
## -1 = Unlimited cache
## >0 = Maximum memory (in bytes) to use for cache
cache_limit = 5000000
## Umask to use for directories/files
umask = 777
auto_browser = 0
permissions = ""
check_new_rel = 1
auto_disconnect = 1
config_lock = 0
download_free = 250
dirscan_speed = 5
refresh_rate = 60
rss_rate = 20
extern_proc = ""
email_server = ""
email_to = ,
email_from = ""
email_account = ""
email_pwd = ""
email_endjob = 0
email_full = 0
top_only = 0
safe_postproc = 0
replace_spaces = 0
par_option = -t0
pause_on_post_processing = 0
ignore_samples = 2
script_dir = C:\Apps\SABnzbD\Scripts
dirscan_script = None
enable_tv_sorting = 0
tv_sort_string = ""
web_color = ""
web_color2 = ""
web_dir2 = ""
api_key = ##############################
replace_illegal = 1
no_dupes = 2
ionice = ""
disable_api_key = 0
enable_par_multicore = 1
bandwidth_limit = 0
https_port = 9090
unpack_check = 1
https_key = server.key
movie_sort_string = ""
movie_sort_extra = -cd%1
enable_movie_sorting = 0
language = en
movie_categories = movies,
admin_dir = admin
nice = ""
movie_extra_folder = 0
tv_sort_countries = 1
date_categories = tv,
email_dir = ""
ssl_type = v23
https_cert = server.cert
date_sort_string = ""
dirscan_priority = 0
enable_tsjoin = 1
enable_https = 0
enable_date_sorting = 0
quick_check = 1
replace_dots = 0
folder_rename = 1
save_interval = 60
no_penalties = 0
par2_multicore = 1
warned_old_queue = 0
ignore_wrong_unrar = 0
folder_max_length = 128
queue_complete = ""
size_limit = ""
tv_categories = ,
allow_64bit_tools = 1
queue_complete_pers = 1
api_warnings = 1
login_realm = SABnzbd
password_file = ""
ignore_unrar_dates = 0
never_repair = 0
pre_script = None
sfv_check = 1
email_rss = 0
allow_streaming = 0
pause_on_pwrar = 1
nzb_key = ############################
ampm = 0
rss_filenames = 0
## max size of SABnzbd.log (in bytes)
max_log_size = 5242880
## how many backups of SABnzbd.log to keep around
log_backups = 5
## enable cherrypy logging
## 0 = no
## 1 = yes
enable_cherrypy_logging = 1
log_level = 0
log_new = 0
## Fill in your servers here
## If your server doesn't need password auth set
## username and password to ''
## fillserver field must be 0 for non-fillservers (>0 otherwise)
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = unknown
script = Default
newzbin = Unknown
dir = Unknown
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = anime
script = Default
newzbin = Anime
dir = Anime
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = apps
script = Default
newzbin = Apps
dir = Apps
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = books
script = Default
newzbin = Books
dir = Books
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = consoles
script = Default
newzbin = Consoles
dir = Consoles
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = emulation
script = Default
newzbin = Emulation
dir = Emulation
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = games
script = Default
newzbin = Games
dir = Games
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = misc
script = Default
newzbin = Misc
dir = Misc
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = movies
script = Default
newzbin = Movies
dir = Movies
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = music
script = Default
newzbin = Music
dir = Music
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = pda
script = Default
newzbin = PDA
dir = PDA
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = resources
script = Default
newzbin = Resources
dir = Resources
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = xxx
script = Default
newzbin = XXX
dir = XXX
priority = 0
pp = 3
name = *
script = None
newzbin = ""
dir = ""
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = tv
script = TvRenamer.exe
newzbin = TV
dir = TV
priority = -100
pp = ""
name = tv-autorename
script = TvRenamer.exe
newzbin = TV-rename
dir = TV\temp
username = ""
apikey = ""
del_bookmark = 1
growl_enable = 0