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Newznab currently has sab integration
Are there any plans to actually make use of this semi-standard field, in cases where there is no RSS, and an explicit category is not set by the user/API call?
This would enable indexer-side category support. Newznab already has this integration, but it doesn't seem to categorize since the API call needs to know the exact category name. The NZB category could be the "last ditch" at categorizing before default?
I would also like to see some support added for "unknown" categories via API calls.
For example, I am addind a file via mode=addurl, and sending cat=TVHD.
Since probably the SABnzbd user *does not* have a TVHD category, it will go to "default". But maybe he has a tv* category.
I am just saying that if there's no match to the category name used on the API call, apply the current filter rules, see if the category could fit with an existing one (using wildcards).