Do you experience problems during downloading?
Check your connection in Status and Interface settings window.
Use Test Server in Config > Servers.
We will probably ask you to do a test using only basic settings.
Do you experience problems during repair or unpacking?
Enable +Debug logging in the Status and Interface settings window and share the relevant parts of the log here using [ code ] sections.
On a slower system that's very busy with downloading, the web response may lag.
Also if you're using the Classic skin in combination with a large queue and/or history,
performance will be very bad.
Use Plush or smpl.
What's your refresh rate in the skin?
Do you have third-party utilities interfacing with SABnzbd?
Thanks for the reply. This is happening when no downloading is going on.
My system specs are :-
AMD Turion(tm) II Neo N40L Dual-Core Processor
Not the biggest machine in the world but it's only running SAB, SB & HeadPhones. All data is stored on another UnRAID box.
I'm using the plush skin and have also tried the simple skin, both with the same results.
Here are the results of looking for the word 'rate' in the ini file...
sp@GENERAL-LINUX:~/.sabnzbd$ grep -R rate .
./sabnzbd.ini.bak:rss_rate = 60
./sabnzbd.ini.bak:refresh_rate = 0
./sabnzbd.ini.bak:bookmark_rate = 60
./sabnzbd.ini:rss_rate = 60
./sabnzbd.ini:refresh_rate = 0
./sabnzbd.ini:bookmark_rate = 60
If the skin is Plush, the refresh rate is in the Options menu at the top right, not in the INI file.
Does the slowness occur at particular moments or always?
The odd thing is, I run SABnzbd (downloading at 6MBytes/sec) on an old
Atom netbook with Linux and never see this issue.
The UI can be a bit sluggish at times, but not timeouts like yours.
However, you say data is stored on another UnRaid box.
This means that all traffic goes over the same network.
So that's Usenet downloading, data in an out of the UnRaid box and the UI data.
Do you have the "temporary download folder" also on the UnRaid box?
Ok, I have changed the refresh rate to 15 mins in the options panel. Doesn't seem to make a difference, the gold bars just sit there scrolling across the screen from left to right.
The temporary download folder is set as Downloads/incomplete in my home dir one above /.sabnzbd
Completed downloads are then post processed and moved to the /mnt/cache dir on the unRAID box.
Do you think it is worth doing a complete un install and trying version 7?
If I deleted everything from the admin dir and restarted would it recreate the required files? Maybe that would clear the issue if it's having problems reading the history1.db or queue9.sab files.
It shouldn't make much difference.
Cleaning these files will keep everything in the "incomplete" folder.
Status->QueueRepair->Reconstuct_Queue would restore all items.
Performance is acceptable with smpl and Plush as long as you don't show "everything"
but keep both queue and history limited to about 20 items each.
Have you tried smpl?