Some time ago, I noticed that the SABnzbd+ versions included in the ports tree on FreeBSD (affectionately referenced as news/sabnzbdplus) were falling behind. I took some steps to get this jumpstarted into 0.5.x land, and eventually took it over myself for 0.6.0+ versions, and I'm doing my best to keep it current for everybody to enjoy. I feel like the FreeBSD port doesn't get enough love on the Wiki and the forums. I'd love to add an installation page to the Wiki for FreeBSD (and probably other *BSDs, if there are news/sabnzbdplus maintainers for OpenBSD and NetBSD, though I haven't checked), but of course I can't edit it myself.
I figured I'd start this thread to let folks know that SABnzbd+ is indeed well supported on FreeBSD, and I'm doing my best to keep it updated in the ports tree. I may fall behind on occasion, but I usually get some users who email me and ask what's up if I haven't updated the port in a while after a new release, and I do my best to make it a snappy turnaround.
Installation on FreeBSD is easy-peasy:
Code: Select all
cd /usr/ports/news/sabnzbdplus && make install
Code: Select all
pkg_add -r sabnzbdplus
If you're upgrading, make sure that you stop the service first. Additionally, I like to uninstall the previous version:
Code: Select all
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/sabnzbd onestop
cd /usr/ports/news/sabnzbdplus && make install
SABnzbd+ on FreeBSD is also fully compliant with /etc/rc.conf so you can start the service on boot:
Code: Select all
echo 'sabnzbdplus_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
Make sure you're keeping your ports tree up-to-date with portsnap so you get all the latest sabnzbdplus love! Quick docs on using portsnap to accomplish this here:
I've just submitted the port update for 0.6.5 as I write this, so it should be committed and ready to install soon. I try to provide a complete installation on FreeBSD -- SABnzbd+ runs under its own user and group (_sabnzbd:_sabnzbd), provides a fully rc.conf-compliant installation, and holds all downloads and configuration in /usr/local/sabnzbd by default. Get to installing! If you have any questions, feel free to post them to this thread or shoot me a PM/email since I may not check back here in a timely fashion (though I do plan to check back).
Thanks! ;D