Just installed it, and first impression is really good
I've a couple of remarks though, if you don't mind (using NZBdd incombination with SABnzbd 0.6.15)
When first starting the program it did not have any settings imported/read from SABnzbd, all fields were either empty or had some default value in them, this was confusing and might introduce problems when saving these settings.
The cleanup setting doesn't have comma's separating them, so for example the clean list is "sfv, nzb, ssr" then the settings in NZBdd shows that as "sfvnzbssr".
I had a pretty large finished download list (over 2000) and the program imported that nicely but while having the queue page active it was freezing every couple of seconds, which made it really hard to navigate. After I cleared my finished downloads its working fine again.
I cannot seem to pause/unpause individual downloads (only the whole queue), or adjust the order of the queue, am I missing something?
I would like to drag-select downloads in the any of the lists for easy multiple download management.
A way to put the NZBdd to tray would be awesome
Thanks for the simple and clean GUI, like it!
After using it a couple of days, I've experienced a bit too much crashes over time which makes this unusable as a full replacement for the Plush web UI in its current state.