IPad Direct UseNet Downloading

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IPad Direct UseNet Downloading

Post by Mattoligy »

Hi, just wanted to ask why there is such a lack of development on IOS? On the front page it says that Sabnzbd works Anywere! Yet all i can find is one outdated post from 2009 showing you how to tweak certain files etc to get it working on iPhone iPad etc

iDevices are some of the most popular devices on the market atm owned by millions and i just cant believe the lack of a Real direct Usenet client on them, all i can find in the app store is remote front end apps! And nothing on Cydia at all either!

All i own atm is an iPad, am i really going to have to spend £600 upwards on a laptop Just to download from UseNet? Really... :-/

Just paid for a usenet subscription and super fast broadband and now i cant even use it lol, theres even a torrent client in delelopment on Cydia... What is the deal guys? This is long
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Re: IPad Direct UseNet Downloading

Post by shypike »

iOS apps have to be written in native ObjectiveC.
We have absolutely no intention to rewrite.
The required effort is huge and it would result in a relatively expensive app,
because the market isn't very big.
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Re: IPad Direct UseNet Downloading

Post by sander »

AFAIK there is iSABnzbd for (jailbreak) iOS: http://forums.sabnzbd.org/viewtopic.php ... 47&p=62794

EDIT: instructions to add it via Cydia: http://jypy.eu/cydia.html
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Re: IPad Direct UseNet Downloading

Post by sander »

@Mattoligy : I see you're now using the software I pointed you at. So how about some feedback here? A "thank you, that works" would be useful and normal.
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Re: IPad Direct UseNet Downloading

Post by Mattoligy »

Sorry dude, been looking in to so much stuff lol, Thanks for the info ReLly helped and iSabnzbd is freaking awesome :-) just trying to work out how to edit the start.sh to follow on to also open an app, in my case SabMobileHD

Currently it is just...

python /Applications/iSABnzbd.app/SABnzbd.py -d

And as a Complete code newb I am wondering if maybe below code would work?

python /Applications/iSABnzbd.app/SABnzbd.py -d
open -a /var/mobile/Applications/DDE9B238-ED5D-4659-858B-745FC6EF727D/SABmobile HD.app $1

Or can you not run two commands after each other? Do I need to separate them with something?

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Re: IPad Direct UseNet Downloading

Post by sander »

"python SABnzbd.py -d" works for me (SAB becomes a daemon), and I can execute a new command.

However, I don't know if/how that works on iOS.
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