I'm using v. 0.45RC1
When using the automation api there's a problem with post-processing being incorrect, this can be reproduced by using the following api-command:
Both if you leave the cat-part out (api?mode=addid&name=) or leave it in (api?mode=addid&name=3245540&cat="movies" (or just plain movies without "")) wrong PP is applied.
I have a specific script that I use when the category is movies, but it doesn't work resulting in no script being executed as well as default R/U/D being used.
However this doesn't seem to be only related to the api, if the Home-part of sabnzbd is used and catagory isn't defined before you press Add (and sabnzbd+ therefor pulls the category from newzbin) correct PP isn't applied, but if you t define a category before you press Add it works.
It's a bit of a problem since many third-party application rely on the automation api and newzbin.
Hope you can figure this bug out!
Best Regards
Incorrect PP when pulling catagories from newzbin
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Re: Incorrect PP when pulling catagories from newzbin
This problem will be solved in 0.4.5RC2, which will be out soon.
I'll check your specific scenario.
I'll check your specific scenario.
Re: Incorrect PP when pulling catagories from newzbin
Sorry to say that this particular problem is not solved in RC2.
The error is quite old.
The API documentation says that the "cat" parameter is supported, but the actual code does not.
RC2 is going through release testing now and I won't stop that process to fix this.
It will be fixed in the 0.4.5Final release.
The error is quite old.
The API documentation says that the "cat" parameter is supported, but the actual code does not.
RC2 is going through release testing now and I won't stop that process to fix this.
It will be fixed in the 0.4.5Final release.