Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

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Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by naseer2kool »


I have a 50 Mbs connection (wired setup) but it seems that I'm getting relatively slow speeds on Sabnzbd. I've signed up with newshosting that gives me 30 connections but I'm using 15 as I'm sharing this with my friend. I get a maximum speed of 1.6 Mbs and mostly it is around 845 Kbs. I'm new to usenet and Sabnzbd and I've gone through the forums but I'm still not getting the best speeds. I normally get 3-4 Mbs on torrents and filesharing but this seems a bit slow. Speedtest gives me 45Mps dl and 8-10 mbsI've tried the following:

Lowered/increased the connections - no significant change (tried 8, 10, 15, 30(max) connections)
Tried newer nzbs
Confirmed no missing articles
Checked/unchecked randomize ip server (off)
SSL (563/443), tired both
Tried version 6.14, 7.3, 7.9
Changed the skin to classic black, classic white-black

I have Win 7 on my HTPC and I don't know how to check if I have the correct Python version or not (sorry if this completely out of place).

Any help would be really appreciated as this is driving me nuts.

Thanks a lot in advance

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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by shypike »

The quickest way to tell if it's SABnzbd or something else, is to try an alternative Usenet client.
Grabit is fairly easy to setup and it does the basic job OK.
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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by naseer2kool »

Thanks, I've tried Grabit and with 30 connections its giving me upto 2Mbs and with 15 connections its around 1.3-1.5 MBs. Is it because of the number of connections I have?

I'll try my other desktop and see if its giving me similar speeds or not.
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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by sander »

The usual remarks:

Don't mix Mbps and MB/s; there's a factor 10 between them. Your 50 Mbps is 5 MB/s, so any program will get a max of 5 MB/s
Have you turned off SSL and used plain NNTP? SSL is heavier for your hardware.
Talking about which ... which hardware (CPU, RAM) is SABnzbd running on? An embedded device with little RAM will limit the performance of SABnzbd.
(Wired setup - as you use - is best for speed)
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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by naseer2kool »

Sorry for mixing MB and Mb.... I have 50Mbs connections and I get around 40-45Mbs (speedtest)....with SAB I get 845 KBs - 1.6 MBs
When I use torrents or filesharing tools, I easily get 3-5 MBs...I'm expecting atleast these speeds with SAB...

I've switched off SSL and used port 119...but I can't connect to anything on SAB ...I'm not sure how to use NNTP there a option where you can select this..

My HTPC hardware is :
Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q9650 @3.00GHz
2.67 GHz
RAM 4.00 GB
64 bit Windows 7
Wired connection
Speeds I get with this: 845KBs (mostly with 15 connections) upto 1.6 MBs (15 connections)...and with 30 connections I get upto 1.6 MBs

I've tried SAB on my other desktop which is giving me similar speeds but it reached upto 2.6 MBs with 30 connections...but with 15 it was 1.3MBs on avg

Desktop setup is as follows
Intel Core2 Duo CPU E6750 @2.66Ghz
2.67 GHz
RAM 4.00 GB
64 Bit Windows 7

My default browser on both is Chrome.

Thanks once again for the help.
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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by shypike »

Does your Usenet provider have a speed limit (many do, based on how much you pay them)?
Have you tried another Usenet client?
Grabit maybe?
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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by naseer2kool »

I have newshosting...I'm not sure on the speed limit ...but I'll double check....I've already tried Grabit and with 30 connections its giving me 2 MBs and with 15 its around 1.5 MBs.

As I mentioned earlier I easily get 4 MBs on torrents and filesharing... but I want to use SABnzbd. please help

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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by shypike »

This means that the speed cap of 2.6 MB/sec (on your desktop) is determined by either your ISP (traffic shaping) or your Usenet provider.
On modern hardware (your desktop and HTPC included) the maximum speed of SABnzbd is at least 12 Mbyte/sec.
Even an Atom should be capable of doing 5 Mbyte/sec.
Hard to tell what the root cause is and why your HTPC is performing so bad.
Any differences in setup between your desktop and HTPC?
(Specifically SABnzbd, but also firewalls, virusscanners etc)
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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by naseer2kool »


On my HTPC and Desktop I have AVG free version running and I don't have virus scanners or anything.

The other day I tried the Newshosting client and it was giving me around 2 MBs on my HTPC irrespective of number of connections. I'm still not sure what the root cause is, I thought it was something to do with the number of connections I use but I remember I read on one of the posts that 8-10 connections are best for optimum performance. I will check the Newshosting client on my desktop and will get back to you.

Thanks once again

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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by shypike »

AVG Free is a virus scanner :)
The optimal amount of connections depends on many factors.
Our general advice is to slowly increase it until the speed starts dropping
or until you think it's right.
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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by naseer2kool »

I'll try SABnzbd without AVG and will update. I will also check the Newshosting client on my desktop and will get back to you.

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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by shypike »

I'm not claiming that AVG is an influence.
What you might do, though, is to tell it not to scan SABnzbd's "incomplete" folder.
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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by naseer2kool »

Thanks once again...I've been sick...but I'll get back to you guys soon
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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by naseer2kool »

Hi again, sorry I was out of town for a while...thats why couldn't update.

So I used the newshosting client on my desktop and its also giving me the same speed 2.0 MBs - 2.6MBs. With SAB its giving me the same as before 1.3MBs on 15 connections and 2.0 MBs on 30 connections.
I still feel there is some setting issue as I get very good d/load speeds when using torrents. Speedtest results regularly show 40Mbs plus speeds.

Thanks once again for the support


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Re: Slow connection speed on 50Mbs

Post by shypike »

What is the speed that your Usenet provider offers?
Not all of them have unlimited speeds.
It mostly depends on how much you pay them.
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