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I am running the latest SABnzbd on Ubuntu 12.10. My system was working perfectly until a week back.
Lately, the /etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus script does not autostart on boot. The start stop entries are already there and I cannot see any log entry in /var/log/boot.log
I'm no expert in this area, but I'll give it a shot:
Could this be caused because sabnzbdplus is not the in the directory for the current runlevel?
My guess is that the normal runlevel is 2 (see 'runlevel'). If so, check '/etc/rc2.d/S98sabnzbdplus' exists and is correct
The rcX.d symlinks are put in place automatically when the package is installed, so barring admin errors those should still exist. Never hurts to check though:
Other than that, with a manual start via the init script working fine, there's probably something missing/wrong/unavailable at the time the program tries to start on boot. The usual culprits include unmounted partitions, missing usb drives, encrypted home dirs, or network interfaces not yet up and/or configured with the right ip address.
Strange think is that sickbeard is starting though couchpotato is not. Few other scripts are starting as well. Some posts on askubuntu talk about Upstart replacing init.d boot jobs. Maybe there is some incompatibility, if Upstart has replaced init.d?
With that out of the way, conditions at program startup remain as possible troublemakers. Either find the cause and fix it, or try delaying service startup as described here. If you don't know the cause of the problem, you may want to replace the part that checks a specific condition with just a generic delay (sleep 30 or so in place of the entire while loop).
Do you have tutorial as to how to change from a while loop to a sleep 30 command? very very new with linux and trying to get my install working properly. Was working fine with init.d script till i updated the system and Sab.
sam112 wrote:worked great using sleep 30. Thanks a ton.
how did you fix he problem?
edit - looking at /etc/rc2, i noticed
this is likely to be an issue right?
can i just change the sabnzbplus entries to 20 or something manually? i would imagine there should be a more formal way to change what gets loaded in the order so that later updates etc respect the order.
can i just change the sabnzbplus entries to 20 or something manually? i would imagine there should be a more formal way to change what gets loaded in the order so that later updates etc respect the order.
Yeah that would a problem, trying to start sab that early, before even network stuff. The update-rc.d commands given in my previous post in this thread reset the rc.d links to S98 K02 - which is also the default used when installing the sab package.