Help with RSS feed and a basic regexp

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Help with RSS feed and a basic regexp

Post by SebNYD »


I'm trying to use a regexp to match everything that starts with "FF" in an RSS feed.

So I have put the following filter :

Oddly (?), it seems to pick up anything that starts with "F" and not just what starts with "FF" :(

Does anybody have an idea on how I could make this work ?

Thanks for your help,

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Re: Help with RSS feed and a basic regexp

Post by sander »

I checked with


and it correctly returns all matches that start with "De".

I don't have a feed where I can test FF
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Re: Help with RSS feed and a basic regexp

Post by SebNYD »

sander wrote:I checked with


and it correctly returns all matches that start with "De".

I don't have a feed where I can test FF
The issue must be because this is the same letter twice (I have no issue with other filters).
I tried :
re:^(FF )
It seems to be working :)


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Re: Help with RSS feed and a basic regexp

Post by shypike »

Like Sander, I cannot reproduce your issue.
Looking at the implementation code, it's sounds very very unlikely.
That's just not how Python regular expressions would behave.
Your work-around is a valid alternative though.
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